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About Sutterkain

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    Night Elf
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  1. Sutterkain


    Nope... This is all a figment of your imagination...
  2. Sutterkain


    I got a beta invite but the client wouldnt let me log into the game... =\ That being said I watched a few people streaming the beta, and I'll be honest... It looks interesting, but I still have mixed feeling on that one... I did play Galaxies back in the day and although it was buggy as hell I loved that one.... I have a buddy of mine that should be picking it up day 1 right as the stores open, (which might actually be today come to think of it) so I'm just gonna have to make a drive over to his place and check it out... -Ray
  3. Yes! With every ounce of our cold, black, hearts...
  4. Aye!
  5. You know I'm in, dude... Lets do this!
  6. You know, I have my T10 stuff on my druid sitting in the bank... Back when we were raiding like crazy... I might get that one made just for fun.. =)
  7. So for a long time now I've been kicking around the idea of starting up a gaming blog. I don't really know why, just something I've always wanted to do, and some might say I have a way with words, so I figured I'd jump on in. I already have a lot of the groundwork in place, topics, working on the graphics, etc... What I'm missing is a name.... I'm thinking of something that ties in the idea that "We are gamers, this is not just some silly pastime. Its something we grew up on. It's our passion." I've come up with quite a few ideas, unfortunately they've all been taken on blogspot. My favorite was still "Generation: Gamer", but I digress. Any ideas?
  8. Sutterkain


    Wait, it flagged curse.com as a red flag site?? Thats odd... I use Curse all the time... For that matter I highly recommend using the curse client.. Its a really nice way of keeping all your addons updated
  9. Happy B-Day Korn!! I know Im late to the party, but hey, its before midnight, still counts!!!
  10. You know... This revelation about Deme should suprise me.... ..It doesnt... But it should... LoL
  11. One more from me
  12. I'm curious what their asking price point will be... With that keyboard alone I know its going to be expensive as hell... Reminds me of the Optimus keyboard they were talking about a few years back... LCDs in the keys so you could use any image for any key... the reason it never really saw the light of day is that they wanted $1200 for it.... For just a KEYBOARD!!! Here's to hoping that the cost of technology has come down sufficiently that its not just some outrageously priced toy... IMHO, for essentially a gaming netbook if they ask over $699 for it, they're done before they even begin..
  13. Bang, it depends on what type of site you're trying to put together... if what you want is just a forum and not much else, I'd recommend trying out squarespace.com If you're just looking to get something up and running, they have a lot of templates on there that should fit whatever you're trying to put together.... If you want to actually design and code the site itself, well then, thats a different story all together.... LoL
  14. We're gonna miss ya buddy... Good luck where ever you end up.... And if that doesnt turn out the way you hope, you know you'll have a home back here...
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