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Everything posted by Trenton

  1. Fuuuuuuuu- These forums are dead. But yeah, I'm not transferring yet. -.- I need to do a ventrilo interview. FML.
  2. As some of you probably know, my current situation with Anomaly (My previous guild) didn't end well. I /guit yesterday and through up an application to another guild. Today, I got accepted and I'll be transferring there later tonight. I just wanted wish everyone goodbye and hope that they have fun in Cataclysm. Also, for the people who made my wow endeavour amazing, and I just wanted to thank you personally because without the support that you've given me. I probably couldn't of been this successful in what I do and have made it this far. Thank You - Tim (Ezmira) - Hooking me up with Conventus really made me become the best I could be as shadow. I owe big time you for this. - Stang - Shiki-sauras - ILY - Duncan - Geo (Memphis) - /yiff - GOING WORGEN! <3 - Steven (Deme) - We need to go to the waffle house soon! - Lisa - <3 - Chrystal - <3 - David (Secret) - Grom - Justin (Kibai) - Joesf - Div - THOSE FREE HONOR POINTS! <3 Those are the names off the top of my head right now and I will discuss where I'll go later if anyone's interested. ^-^ 35% final exam in... *stares at the clock* 5 minutes. >__< Anyways, FP will always be with me wherever I go. <3 I'll still have Flowermuffin around on Skullcrusher! FPFTW!?
  3. There are only three ways to remove an authenticator. 1. You need to have the serial key numbers from boxes you used when you set you your World of Warcraft account. Original World of Warcraft, Burning Crusade, and the Wrath of the Lich King pins you used on your account. 2. Serial number from the authenticator 3. Authentic drivers license to copy and mail to Blizzard and show you're the true owner of the account
  4. Trenton

    Photo Dump

    Just wait till I post the picture of my guild members ripping on me for some dominatrix wanting me. >.> Then making bets...
  5. Trenton

    Photo Dump

    I'll see what I can find, Rog. :3
  6. @ Steven - Ohai @ Stang - Are you and Michael coming back in Cataclysm?
  7. Haha, nothing much actually. XD Is it just me, you, and the tumbleweeds?
  8. Ohai Shad!
  9. /wave Long time no talk! How've you two been?
  10. Trenton

    Raid Times

    TOMMMMMMM!! I LOVE YOU! That is all...
  11. Oh man... Me, my guild members, and Deme absolutely just cried when we saw this. Check it out. LMFAO http://www.break.com/index/wow-gangsta-thr...x-guildies.html
  12. Trenton

    Alts and Raids

    Hi Mike Regarding loot, I know that alt's usually have second priority over main raiders. But it might be different now with the whole epgp system I would think. You will need to ask Serenitty. Regards, Trenton
  13. Grats, Happy Belated!
  14. Hey Stompy Throughout my long history of being in guilds, and applying to others, I can fully understand the feeling of obtaining an attachment to certain individuals, and the guild itself. It does indeed hurt, but it may be for the better, or for the worst. I had left my last guild due to individuals not putting their best foot forward and trying their hardest. I had tried to stick with them, but it was truly unbearable and I had felt like I was smashing my head against a brick wall every night, 3 days a week, for 4 hours a day. With the main point here, you need to seek happiness in this game and find where you belong. Whether it be with other individuals who are interested in the same things as you, or whether they are competitive raiders that enjoy clearing contents and being one of top guilds on the server. With what was said about Serenitty, I have never seen her do any of that. I think it's really kind of crappy when one talks poorly about others in the attempt to give a valid reason why they had left another guild. Even though you had applied to many other guilds, you did not need to raise your opinion that she had a "demeaning attitude and has a tendency to put members down during raiding" because it affects more then just yourself. When you call someone out in a public area, you cause a large amount of animosity. With applying to a guild, it's alright to say you didn't fit in with some things, or that you had a disagreement with some individuals, but when you call people out directly, it creates a problem. I really don't know you that well Stompy, but I think it was just rather poor of you to negatively speak about Serenitty to different guilds. Overall, I wish you the best with your future endeavors, Stompy. Regards, Trenton
  15. Trenton

    Name Change

    I named my character Trenton after my grandfather since he was a WWII veteran. He was a very amazing person; therefore, I named my character after an individual that did good for his country, family, and friends. But recently, he has just been negative, and influencing very negative things. My mother has turned back into the real person she was - a very spiteful, rude, psychically hurtful individual who is slowly becoming an alcoholic. Right now, her father (my grandfather) is supporting her habits with drinking by giving her bottles of liquor, or even cans of beer. With that being said, The name Trenton has just really become weak and meaningless with what is currently happening. Her side of the family knows how she is when she's drinking from past experiences; although, with the father of the family supporting this individual on the road to becoming a full time alcoholic, I just really can't support it and that's why I've been thinking about a name change. With myself playing this game, I have put a lot of time into this game as a get away from reality, and I will more than likely be continuing that. But there are just two sides of the spectrum when it comes to a decision, and that's what I am just facing at the moment. Change my name to a stronger one that is pretty cool, or just keep it because everybody knows me by that name. I just don't know.
  16. Trenton

    Name Change

    I've been debating if I should get a name chance since the original reason I named Trenton has really gone bad. But understanding a lot of individuals on Skullcrusher know me as Trenton, it keeps me wondering what I should do. With the name Nightmare, I already have the name on reserve, so I can switch it immediately. With that being said, it will not have any alt codes. If you could please check your opinion, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kevin
  17. Trenton

    @ Bang

    Got one made! All done. :3
  18. Trenton

    @ Bang

    Got one made! All done. :3
  19. Trenton

    @ Bang

    I need a forum sig made. Aliesha told me you made hers, and I've been wanting one for the last past while. With how it looks, I kinda want it like Stangs; although, I want it darker, and more evilish.. >:3 If you are on vent tonight, we can talk then. I'll check back here and there.
  21. I saw Darkcud today and threw him off a cliff. Just wanted to say.
  22. Trenton

    Hello Everyone

    G, A
  23. Grats guys! Now let's see the other 3 bosses down!!
  24. Aliesha, my buddy in Alberta was telling me the snowfall was horrible. Well, It weren't as bad as Ontario's. We got hit with quite a large amount of snow on Wednesday, and then it decided to rain right after. On top of that, Ontario's very weather is windy atm. x.x
  25. Trenton


    Whoever wants to get blasted with duel magnums, feel free to add me on live. GT: Cheetix
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