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Everything posted by Anarchos

  1. I've yet to get a solid schedule going (one that allows regular time for WoW). This is unfortunate as I am now hardly able to receive that most lovely of fixes, that hot shot of WoW to the veins. Soon enough I'll be able to raid etc. regularly again though, happy times will abound. Until then, GL with all the raids, and maybe I'll catch one or two if I'm able... With love and all the sex, Anarchos!
  2. a pic with randy....that is badass.
  3. sounds pretty accurate, down to the dialogue. that was some good lol's
  4. Anarchos

    Patch 3.1.0

    ahahaha! And why not? Fury was topping all the meters, warriors across the board were hitting 2500+ on arenas, and even in non-gimmick fights we top the meters by 1000+ dps. Oh wait.. Unfounded nerf ftw! At least arms got buffed and is now almost impossible to manage, what with all the GCD's and procs required to do a hardly acceptable amount of dmg. I can't wait.
  5. I'll go (fury dps!).
  6. When i first starting playing wow, and had just gotten to lvl 60, i was invited to an onyxia run (thanks to one of my irl friends inviting me). I knew this was the opportunity that could really get me going in the raiding ranks. So of course, while we are waiting at ony, i'm dancing around, hopping and running, bored. I keep jumping back and forth, then, not watching, i realize i wasnt with the group anymore o.O, i was standing in the eggs . Needless to say, i caused a wipe and was promptly kicked from the group. First raiding experience in wow, too!
  7. if you want a fury dps for the run, i could go.
  8. Update on my goal and where i stand atm! I am now benching 215 (getting ready to hit 220) 8x for 6 sets. My squat is now at my goal of 450 (yaaay!) doing 4x15 (except i can sometimes only do 12-13 on my 4th...still getting used to the weight) And i now weigh 178 pounds...so so far, so good. In terms of what I do for leg workouts, to answer your question, i keep it relatively simple. I jog (10-30 minutes, depending), i do squats, and sometimes lunges or calf raises. Some advice - DONT do leg-lifts (terrible for your knees!). Don't do squats unless you've had someone train you on the methods, and don't do heavy leg workouts the same day you do heavy upper-body workouts.
  9. Wow congrats guys! o.O I was amazed when I looked at the pictures of your house, along with the price of it! Where I live (northern VA) its normal to still see houses going for $500,000+ still, so to see how much of a bargain you had with that house is really astounding. That looks like a great house and a perfect place to settle down and live, gl getting everything set up and moved in!
  10. ever heard tesla's stuff? soo interesting =O but yea- really cool idea...if they pull through anyhow
  11. snakes are hot!!
  12. For the past year and a half or so, i've been working on a largescale routine that covers 4 days a week of weightlifting, usually 2-3 hours per session. My main focus has been to try and lose as much fatweight as possible, while maintaining the maximum amount of strength. Up to date, i weigh 181 pounds. Bench (always varies, I do about 7-8 different chest/bench workouts) 210 6 sets 8x Power cleans - (not so much anymore, strains my wrists) 205 3 sets 5x Squats - 405 4 sets, 15x (YEA LEG STRENGTH) Deadlifting - no clue anymore, too much time invested in other things. My main goal is to lose another 10 pounds, while going up at least 15 pounds in bench, 50 pounds in squats, and bringing my mile time back down to about 6-6:30 average again. Anyone who has exercised regularly will know that gaining strength while losing weight is a particularly difficult task... but i can only try!
  13. Anarchos


    Chipotle chicken burrito with rice, grilled chicken, fresh lettuce, and extra hot sauce. 1.5 pounds of tummy loving mexi, all washed down with Nantucket Nectar's Peach Orange juice ( /drool) . then a 40g protein shake (after the gym!) = om nom.
  14. NO MORE HITRATING ON TG WOOOH! after stacking over 440 HR.... /sigh
  15. I'm down for naxx! dps fury.
  16. Don't be sincere. Don't try and write well. Don't put in things that interest you. Don't answer the question directly (only put in words that jump out to the person skimming your essay, like father noted above). I've learned that, no matter how well written or direct your response is in college applications, all the reader REALLY wants from you is, to put it lightly, an ass kissing. Those who actually read the tests themselves hardly have a high school level of reading and will think the bigger the words you use, the more of an annoyance you are, and that you must surely be a snob. Answer what you think the college WANTS you to say, because ultimately people who respond in that manner are the ones who generally get in.
  17. In several of Plato's writings, including The Phaedrus, he spoke of Socrates' opinion on homosexuality and pederasty. Most evidence of his existance did indeed come from his students, this is true. But historically, we accept him as an individual, albeit an enigmatic one, and one of the founders of Greek philosophy. You're also talking about a period in Greece when homosexuality and bi-sexual relationships were widespread, and accepted. Even "badass" Spartans openly accepted homosexuality. Generally, philosophers as a whole either took part in or accepted and recognized homosexuality as a normality of life.
  18. On the people i listed? Unofficially, i believe Winston Churchill himself also had at least one homosexual encounter. Who's Who & Who's Gay, http://www.perlring.org/whoislgb.html, collected by Joseph L. Casadonte Jr. Boughner, Terry, Out of All Time: A Gay and Lesbian History, Boston: Alyson Publications, Inc. 1988 Cowan, Thomas, Gay Men and Women who Enriched the World, Boston: Alyson Publications, Inc. 1992 Duberman, Martin, Martha Vicinus, and George Chauncey, Jr., eds., Hidden From History: Reclaiming the Gay and Lesbian Past, New York: Meridian, 1990 Katz, Jonathan, Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the U.S.A. New York: Meridian, 1992 McConnell-Celi, Sue, ed., Twenty-First Century Challenge: Lesbians and Gays in Education, Bridging the Gap, Red Banks, NJ.: Lavender Crystal Press, 1993
  19. Hmm...marriage. There's lot's of reasons people want to get married, including love, good sex, convenience, reproduction (not just for pleasure's sake). Personally, i feel that marriage is a representation of love and dedication, something America has lost sight of in the past...well...70 years? Involving marriage in politics is like mixing whiskey with milk - it just plain doesn't mix. So far we as a country have tried to place religion and politics hand in hand, and to little or no avail. A country who's politics are based on acceptance and known as the "melting pot" who then decides that CERTAIN things just don't fit in...well that's textbook hypocrisy. Isolating one particular group out of a set of rights guaranteed to everyone is blatant bigotry and goes completely against the fundamentals of this country. It truly is a sorrowful sight when one can compare the basis of marriage to the actions of our government, a hypocrisy which lies heavy on the heart's of those it effects. History has proven that those who possess this peculiar quality we have labelled homosexuality are, in fact, equal in every respect to those who judge, and often, condemn them. History has proven this in the past with African Americans, along with the Jews. Unfortunately, history has also taught us that for these people, it takes time and, often, much suffering to procure the status of an "equal." Proof of the historical competence and exceptional abilities those who deem themselves homosexuals is evident throughout almost every period in history. A list of such people: Alexander the Great *Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C. Socrates *Greek Philosopher, 400 B.C. Sappho *Greek Woman Poet, 600 B.C. Hadrian *Roman Emperor, 1st-2nd c. Richard the Lionhearted *English King, 12th c. Saladin *Sultan of Egypt and Syria Desiderius Erasmus *Dutch Monk, Philosopher Francis Bacon *English statesman, author Frederick the Great *King of Prussia Lord Byron *English poet, 18th c. Walt Whitman *U.S. poet, author, 19th c. Oscar Wilde *Irish author, 19th c. Marcel Proust *French author, 20th c. Colette *French author, 20th c. Gertrude Stein *U.S. poet, author, 20th c. Alice B. Toklas *U.S. author, 20th c. Federico Garcia Lorca *Spanish author, 20th c. Cole Porter *U.S. composer, 20th c. Virginia Woolf *English author, 20th c. Leonard Bernstein *U.S. composer, 20th c. Pope Julius III *1550-1555 T.E. Lawrence *English soldier, author, 20th c. Jean Cocteau *French writer, director, 20th c. Charles Laughton *English actor, 20th c. Marguerite Yourcenar *Belgian author, 20th c. Tennessee Williams *U.S. Playwright, 20th c. James Baldwin *U.S. author, 20th c. Andy Warhol *U.S. artist, 20th c. Michelangelo *Italian artist, 15th c. Leonardo Da Vinci *Ital. Artist, scientist, 15th c. Christopher Marlowe *Eng. Playwright, 16th c. Herman Melville *U.S. author, 19th c. Horatio Alger, Jr. *U.S. author, 19th c. Tchaikovsky *Russian composer, 19th c. Willa Cather *U.S. author, 19th c. Amy Lowell *U.S. author, 19th & 20th c. E.M. Forster *English author, 20th c. John M. Keynes *English economist, 20th c. Ludwig Wittgenstein *Australian mathematician, 20th c. Bessie Smith *U.S. singer, 20th c. Noel Coward *English playwright, 20th c. Christopher Isherwood *English author, 20th c. Pier Paolo Pasolini *Italian film director, 20th c. Yukio Mishima *Japanese author, 20th c. Eleanor Roosevelt *U.S. stateswoman, 20th c. Julius Caesar *Roman Emperor, 100-44 B.C. Augustus Caesar *Roman Emperor Harvey Milk *U.S. politician, 20th c. Bayard Rustin *U.S. Civil Rights activist, 20th c. James I *English King, 16th-17th c. Queen Anne *English Queen, 18th c. Marie Antoinette *French Empress, 18th c. Melissa Etheridge *U.S. Rock Star, 20th c. Pope Benedict IX *1032-1044 May Sarton *U.S. author, (1912 - 1995) Edna Ferber *U.S. author, 20th c. Elton John *English Rock Star, 20th c. Margaret Fuller *U.S. writer, educator, 20th c. Montezuma II *Aztec ruler, 16th c. Peter the Great *Russian Czar, 17th-18th c. Langston Hughes *U.S. author, 20th c. Pope John XII *955-964 Madame de Stael *French writer, 17th-18th c. Martina Navratilova *U.S. tennis star, 20th c. Greg Louganis *U.S. Olympic swimmer, 20th c. Billie Jean King *U.S. tennis star, 20th c. Roberta Achtenburg *U.S. politician, 20th c. Barney Frank *U.S. Congressman, 20th c. Gerry Studds *U.S. Congressman, 20th c. Hans Christian Andersen *Danish author, 19th c. Tom Dooley *U.S. M.D. missionary, 20th c. J. Edgar Hoover *U.S. director of the FBI., 20th c. Frida Kahlo *Mexican artist, 20th c. Suleiman the Magnificent *Ottoman ruler, 15th c. Rock Hudson *U.S. actor, 20th c. Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz *Mexican author, 16th c. Ralph Waldo Emerson *U.S. author, 19th c. Candace Gingrich *Gay Rights activist, 20th c. Margarethe Cammermeyer *U.S. Army Colonel, 20th c. Zoe Dunning *U.S. Military Reservist, 20th c. Tom Waddel *U.S. M.D., Olympic star, 20th c. Kate Millet *U.S. author, 20th c. Janis Joplin *U.S. singer, 20th c. Rudolf Nuryev *Russian dancer, 20th c. Waslaw Nijinsky *Russian dancer, 20th c. Ernst Röhm *German Nazi leader, 20th c. Dag Hammerskjold *Swedish UN Secretary, 209th c. Aristotle *Greek philosopher, 384-322 B.C. Paula Gunn Allen *Native American author, 20th c. Angela Davis *U.S. political activist, 20th c. June Jordan *U.S. author, activist, 20th c. Rainer Maria Rilke *German poet, 20th c. James Dean *U.S. actor, 20th c. Montgomery Clift *U.S. actor, 20th c. Baron VonSteuben *German General, Valley Forge Edward II *English King, 14th c To say these people are subhuman is to say practically every leader in history was inept and mentally unqualified to hold any position of importance. Where would we be without the Caesars, Alexander the Great, or the great thinkers Aristotle, Da Vinci, Plato? Where would our literature be without Emerson, Hughes, Whitman, Tchaikovsky, or Wilde(my personal favorite)? To say these men and women are unequal, a crime against God, or a plague to society, is to say that many of the greatest minds ever on this Earth were nothing. This is, of course, bigotry and hypocrisy at its finest. The ignorance and unfounded hatred that exists within America is an ever festering wound to our culture, and only further tarnishes whatever image we have portrayed to the rest of the world. Perhaps the worst aspect of this issue is the proximity of it to our lives. The flagrancy and connection this topic has to our thoughts is due in part to the fact that the controversy is one that is modern. This isn't an issue that has been decided decades ago; it isn't an issue that our age of reason and logic and acceptance has already come and gone, it exists today and the very people around us have spoken out openly against logic, against reason, against the fundamentals of our country. Will this be an old lesson learned anew, that people who have different tastes, ideals, and thoughts are actually equal to us, despite the imagined savagery and foreign nature of them? I am personally mainly upset with the fact that even today, our supposedly educationally advanced and superior society has decided to ignore history, ignore facts, and live by the same unsubstanciated belief that only certain people can be counted as equals.
  20. No. Christien's a twat.. boring too! cant believe you let her BF use her car... you know how asians drive. (JK!! /sarcasm) Side note...how do i get a cool tag signature thiiiing?
  21. I'm like 3 years late on the reply but.........glad you two are okay!! Should've beat up the trucker imo. You guys definitely should seek a lawyer...it was most definitely the truck drivers' fault. At least you guys get a sexy new mount (legendary?!).
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