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About Anarchos

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  1. I've yet to get a solid schedule going (one that allows regular time for WoW). This is unfortunate as I am now hardly able to receive that most lovely of fixes, that hot shot of WoW to the veins. Soon enough I'll be able to raid etc. regularly again though, happy times will abound. Until then, GL with all the raids, and maybe I'll catch one or two if I'm able... With love and all the sex, Anarchos!
  2. a pic with randy....that is badass.
  3. sounds pretty accurate, down to the dialogue. that was some good lol's
  4. Anarchos

    Patch 3.1.0

    ahahaha! And why not? Fury was topping all the meters, warriors across the board were hitting 2500+ on arenas, and even in non-gimmick fights we top the meters by 1000+ dps. Oh wait.. Unfounded nerf ftw! At least arms got buffed and is now almost impossible to manage, what with all the GCD's and procs required to do a hardly acceptable amount of dmg. I can't wait.
  5. I'll go (fury dps!).
  6. When i first starting playing wow, and had just gotten to lvl 60, i was invited to an onyxia run (thanks to one of my irl friends inviting me). I knew this was the opportunity that could really get me going in the raiding ranks. So of course, while we are waiting at ony, i'm dancing around, hopping and running, bored. I keep jumping back and forth, then, not watching, i realize i wasnt with the group anymore o.O, i was standing in the eggs . Needless to say, i caused a wipe and was promptly kicked from the group. First raiding experience in wow, too!
  7. if you want a fury dps for the run, i could go.
  8. Update on my goal and where i stand atm! I am now benching 215 (getting ready to hit 220) 8x for 6 sets. My squat is now at my goal of 450 (yaaay!) doing 4x15 (except i can sometimes only do 12-13 on my 4th...still getting used to the weight) And i now weigh 178 pounds...so so far, so good. In terms of what I do for leg workouts, to answer your question, i keep it relatively simple. I jog (10-30 minutes, depending), i do squats, and sometimes lunges or calf raises. Some advice - DONT do leg-lifts (terrible for your knees!). Don't do squats unless you've had someone train you on the methods, and don't do heavy leg workouts the same day you do heavy upper-body workouts.
  9. Wow congrats guys! o.O I was amazed when I looked at the pictures of your house, along with the price of it! Where I live (northern VA) its normal to still see houses going for $500,000+ still, so to see how much of a bargain you had with that house is really astounding. That looks like a great house and a perfect place to settle down and live, gl getting everything set up and moved in!
  10. ever heard tesla's stuff? soo interesting =O but yea- really cool idea...if they pull through anyhow
  11. snakes are hot!!
  12. For the past year and a half or so, i've been working on a largescale routine that covers 4 days a week of weightlifting, usually 2-3 hours per session. My main focus has been to try and lose as much fatweight as possible, while maintaining the maximum amount of strength. Up to date, i weigh 181 pounds. Bench (always varies, I do about 7-8 different chest/bench workouts) 210 6 sets 8x Power cleans - (not so much anymore, strains my wrists) 205 3 sets 5x Squats - 405 4 sets, 15x (YEA LEG STRENGTH) Deadlifting - no clue anymore, too much time invested in other things. My main goal is to lose another 10 pounds, while going up at least 15 pounds in bench, 50 pounds in squats, and bringing my mile time back down to about 6-6:30 average again. Anyone who has exercised regularly will know that gaining strength while losing weight is a particularly difficult task... but i can only try!
  13. Anarchos


    Chipotle chicken burrito with rice, grilled chicken, fresh lettuce, and extra hot sauce. 1.5 pounds of tummy loving mexi, all washed down with Nantucket Nectar's Peach Orange juice ( /drool) . then a 40g protein shake (after the gym!) = om nom.
  14. NO MORE HITRATING ON TG WOOOH! after stacking over 440 HR.... /sigh
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