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About kandela

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  1. this site pwns thanks!
  2. http://applegateacademy.com/images/apple_worm.jpg
  3. http://www.adwarereport.com/mt/archives/spybot%20stability%20problems-thumb.gif
  4. kandela


    lol beck I'm not surprised that you kill everyone! I actually went out and bought a PS3 the other day when i got my new tv for my new place! So I'm defiantly going to have to pick up MSG4. What is the replay value on it, should i rent or buy?
  5. kandela


    yea beck The only reason why you should get a ps3 is because it is one of the least expensive blu ray players on the market. MGS4 looks sweet so that is a perk. Ratchet and Clank is cool but i don't think its your style, uncharted is really cool too but its rentable. Warhawk is a PS3 exclusive game and its pretty cool too and its the only one with lasting appeal (because it has multiplayer). Next on my list is to buy a Ps3 because of Blu Ray + PS3 exclusive games, someone mentioned Final Fantasy its gonna rock and its gonna be PS3 exclusive. Summary: If you have $500 to spend and you still need a Blu Ray player get a PS3 ps. first post on these forums, sup FP
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