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About Kimick

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  1. I was in a pug once that had a cool system 1 RTU each boss 1 RTU tier piece (per wing we were in naxx) and each win would give you a point highest roll and lowest points wins the loot. Offspec rolls were FFA and no points were added. Kind of like a raid by raid dkp system I thought it worked really well, seemed like a really fair system. I'm not suggesting you all do this I'm just adding to the conversation.
  2. GL guys! Hope your runs are full of win. I wouldn't mind tanking some stuff or DPSing the face of 25mans with you if im not raiding with pwny
  3. Pwny only does 10-man Ulduar so we get saved. I'm sure a few of us would be down for 25-man Ulduar or 25-man Naxx.
  4. Seriously! This wasen't even brutality. If given multiple chances to stop breaking the law and go on your way then resist arrest... Well that's just a stupid hippy.
  5. Yeah it was kind of awkward finding a place for it. Now, I can't live with out it.
  6. It's been a long time since I've posted or even been in the guild... But, I really like UI threads so...Here! From Kimick/Velik with love.
  7. It sure did Keld, it sure did.
  8. Oh those Russians.
  9. Yea yea yea... When do we move in?
  10. No Pantera!? For shame... But I have to hand it to the guy, He actually found a way to make money using basic Fruity Loops skills. At least Scott Baio thinks its awesome.
  11. There was a GH competition poster in vegas... I laughed, then saw the prize (a car)... then I cryed
  12. HBD I'd give you my T5 gloves for yer set bonus if i could.
  13. I lol'd when the dwarf got knocked over in the bladder repair bot and he said, "That's a 50 DKP minus!" Arthas is such a noob.
  14. Kimick

    OMG Chipotle!

    Now I have that song in my head http://youtube.com/watch?v=w6ZRPZUnCcQ&feature=related
  15. Peon
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