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Everything posted by Keldorn

  1. Stang i've been barkin up that tree for months. Lyssa will apparently do anything but violate an NDA.
  2. He didn't get hacked the first time, I believe his cousin transferred him off server against his will or something like that.
  3. I hate to be that guy... but umm didn't this happen before?
  4. Keldorn

    Can I ZA?

    Beck remember how you like to fight against being a nerd? Yeah.......
  5. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    I may have gotten voted off but guess who's posing topless in the next playboy. <---------- This guy. (Didn't need no million dollars anyway)
  6. Hi! I'm not supposed to be cut. EVER. If I was supposed to be cut i'd come out that way. Thanks for your time. Sincerely. Penis P.S. Dranow stop looking at so much peen. Love, Keld
  7. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    Sorry Ghost but Lyssa belongs to me. /vote Daghostmaker.
  8. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    Finn your pet humped me in the face all night last night. GTFO! /vote Finnegus.
  9. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    Finn we can't really afford to keep feeding your pet. And one of you has fleas. /vote Finnegus.
  10. Keldorn

    Diablo 3!!!

    I'm always amazed and the sheer amount of effort people put into figuring out these things. Hi i'm patience! Check me out sometime.
  11. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    /vote Beckbristow.
  12. Keldorn

    Be Imba!

    I'm logged out in the most atrocious ret gear EVER. I'm not even gonna check it. I'll respec then try.
  13. Hi! <---- Prot Pally.
  14. Keldorn

    FP Survivor!

    zomg please yes. I'm in.
  15. Firefox 3! Now with more epeen.
  16. Keldorn

    OMG Chipotle!

    Attack of the Killer Tomatos niiiiiice
  17. Happy B-Day! It's time for a spanking.
  18. mmmmmmm
  19. warlock
  20. Ooooooo sounds like a date!
  21. Kimick would it be possible to get a pic of you in a 2 piece?
  22. Beck I can come up with a punishment for you for being a war criminal. Stang will be involved.
  23. Ang Lee did a great job with the movie. I never knew the Hulk was a gay cowboy. He made me believe!
  24. I don't know you any more gil.
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