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Everything posted by Dynne

  1. I'd love to go to SSC or TK, really want to get my Vashj and Kael vials =D I could go as shadow or holy if we're lacking healers, I don't mind as long as this thing actually gets going.
  2. WTB Logs/Plans. I just started dieting and I'm thinking of going to a gym as well so would be some nice useful information =D
  3. Using it now, I don't notice anything different other than a neater looking navigation bar :3
  4. Dynne

    OMG Chipotle!

    We're getting a Chipotle built here, can't wait =D
  5. Thanks! It probably won't last long though, I get bored quick of my interfaces and usually end up making a new one every week or so.
  6. I'll get some blood elves, night elves, draenei and human chicks dancing in their undies on the next video. Maybe one of each in the corner!
  7. Just a simple video of yesterday's Rage winterchill fight. Seeing how my computer likes recording during raids, I think this fight is like frapsing 101, I know so many people that like to just start with this boss lol. http://files.filefront.com/winterchillwmv/...;/fileinfo.html Download please and leave some criticism maybe? Idk!
  8. But I don't want to yiff =(
  9. Gah I should've gone shadowform just to stand out lol.
  10. Ah well then this thread can just be locked/deleted sorry lol =p
  11. Dynne

    Level Up!

    Loved the sausage and clam part lol.
  12. Was bored and decided to just browse youtube and a friend directed me to this Playing shooters would be so damn fun. Imagine Twilight Princess or Resident Evil 4 incorporating this, would be so sweet right?
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