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About DeeZee01

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/08/1983

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  • Location
    El Centro, CA
  1. Good job everyone.
  2. OMFG!!!! That is hilarious XDD
  3. DeeZee01

    FP Site

    So, since our guild discussion the other day (6/2/10) regarding munnies for the FP Site and FP Vent, I know we all are aware that Stang and whomever else have been paying for this a lot. I appreciate it as well as every other FP memeber does as well. We all use the site (for the most part) and for Vent, yeah, we all use it. I have already talked to Shean and Aliesha, and they are aware that I have stated I would cover the expenses for the FP Site. This is my thank you to all of you for being in FP and being a part of a guild who is still running strong. We have lost a lot of players to family issues, other guilds, school, or whatever reason, yet we are still here. This is just my thank you to you all who are still here and helping FP to be the guild that we are. Now all we need to do is worry abou the Vent server. Thank you everyone **whoever is in charge of the site, check the account. lol Shean is the one that told me the price for the site, so it all should be there lol I have my confirmation.
  4. DeeZee01

    Raid Times

    I can pretty much keep doing the Tuesday/Thursday thing but whatever days work better for you guys, I'll see what I can do. Compromising is a beautiful thing...when it works d^_^b
  5. So here are just a few pics that I thought I would share with you guys (Halloween: only 1 for now) my kick ass cat **thumbs up** and what I look like now while playing WoW (Oakleys) http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f44/DeeZ...yNewGlasses.jpg http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f44/DeeZee01/MyNiggahs.jpg http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f44/DeeZ...SilverTabby.jpg
  6. ROLF LULZ XD I can't believe I actually stuck around to watch this d^_^b Thanks Ajax for the laugh <3
  7. Hey FP. I've missed you guys a lot (since I moved to Clarion Call....for the time being (due to raiding and wanting to improve for my babee, Ezmira <3) So I'll just start with the main topic that has changed my life (not sure for good or bad, but has) Some (of most of you all) had possibly heard that I was going to be a father and what not. I was looking very forward to it and yeah....well, long story short, I'm not going to be a dad after all. The baby was born........but, turns out it wasn't mine. It sucked being informed that, but hey, her son has everything he's going to need for his whole first year. I was (and I'm going to say this) be a great dad. I thought it was my time, but obviously not. It's kinda rough telling you all this but there are a few that do know a bit more than others, but since you guys are my online family, I thought I should share it with you guys and sometimes if I'm on and not talking, or afk, etc etc....it's just, it still hurts/sucks. So that is that one. Next is work related. As some of you know, I work at a prison down here in the beautiful Southern California. It's been hectic due to lockdowns/stabbings/riots etc etc. And from what I see (basically) on a regular basis, is someone being air-lifted off the grounds to the hospital (like today actually). It's intense but hey, I get paid really good money to sit there and play Ogre Battle on my SNES (on my work computer) due to me not having the inter-butts. XD That's basically it. I have just decided to go back to school, pay off all my old bills, hang out with Sauce whenever he comes back and just focus. I want to raid in LK, but that's up to how school goes. I appreciate everyone who reads this and ohhh yeah.... !! TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY !! I'm gonna be 25 years and I have the next 5 days off **thumbs up** So I guess I might have to go have a few rounds of dranks for myself and all my lovely FP members (everyone of course but a few extras for the ones who keep me sane, talk shit (not meaning anything bad) and to the helpful ones. **thumbs up** You all know who you are.
  8. Hey everyone. Sorry for not posting last night, but coming back from Mexico at 12am and having to wake up at 5am is rough. So I'm gonna put up the pictures from last month (she didn't want to give up the new pics so I'll just have to make due with what I have saved to my laptop for now) As of yesterday, he's at about 3lbs 6ounces so he's doing very well weight wise. His heart rate is phenomonal and that keeps me happy too. **thumbs up** I won't be on this weekend till Sunday so sorry anyone who needed assists on heals today, tomorrow and Saturday. I will however be back on, on Sunday so if anyone wants to get a Mag/Gruuls/Kara/Heroic runs together, let me know. Sunday and Monday would be best for me to assist on getting and receiving badges. lulz d^_^b I'll see you guys on in a few just to hang out and chat. The first picture is of his facing up and not knowing that we were there. It was awesome. The second picture was when the doctor turned the sensor and he rolled with it. It was amazing and he stayed there just watching us watch him. Then right before she moved it, he stopped, (we could tell he was listening to us) and then started going to town on his hands. I love my little "wingman" (given by Sauceboss)
  9. If Mr. Saucey Pants and I would of gone, it would of been chaos like no other. XD But all in all, looks like you guys had a blast. **thumbs up** Sauce has a party at his house like erry' weekend so you all are invited. lulz And Ryee, sorry I didn't make it lulz So is The Sauce. d^_^b I would like to say that I would make it to the Winter one, but I know that is impossible now. o_O Oh well. Maybe later down the road I'll attend eventually. I'll send Sauce though. ROFL He can be my wingman. **thumbs up**
  10. Memphis and I agree. Key yoot!

  11. DeeZee01


    I can assist with heals. I am currently resting on 1482 healing, but hopefully, after this weekend I'll be closer to 1600. I'm Holy/Disc so I will help out with what I can. I am home after 4pm (PST) due to being in So Cal. Let me know if this works for you. In addition, I know Subsequent (frost mage) wouldn't mind helping with additional dps if needed. Knows Kara quite well and is a team player. **thumbs up**
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