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About Swaloads

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  1. dude, Gryph, you are like 45 min away from me. that's mad chill. hmm. G&P Pizza? wehre's that.
  2. you must never speak of Derry NH. it is only a 15 minute drive from my house. so not a good place to be. /cry no one ever comes and visits me. /down-in-the-dumps... Swaloads
  3. http://i327.photobucket.com/albums/k456/blaid666/1173198389822.jpg All I got to say. asians, FTMFW /famous Swaloads
  4. Hey Guys. Looks like it was an amazing party. I got stuck 3 hours outside of Atlanta and couldn't attend. I am going to do everything possible to make sure I can make the next FP party, FP SHammys gotta show more soul here and make our presence known. Can't wait for things to start running again. /Famous Swaloads
  5. Swaloads

    FP Survivor!

    Ez. ftw
  6. HEy all. OK, just wanted to leave a heads up to everyone. I'm leaving today, wendesday, to drive down to Canton NC. i'll be staying there most of the week. i'm planning on making it to the FP party saturday, will have 1 guest with me. then heading back to Canton saturday night/sunday morning, depending on whenever the party ends. If anyone has any questions or advice for me on how to get to the party, please reach me on my cell phone at 978-807-9771. Enigami, I got your number saved in my phone, i'll be giving you or han a call sometime this week to figure out the last details about it. Cant wait to see you guys soon. Later for now. Swaloads
  7. Eni, I'll be fine with the animals if you would be able to house me, and my possible guest (technically would be 2 i think, may have a kitten with us). but at least just me. Thanks again Swaloads
  8. Still need a place to stay if possible, might be 2 tho. may have a female friend wiht me. Swaloads
  9. Still waiting to find a black fitted Tank... /cry then i'd be posting pics of me in my /famous gear, but don't have what i'd love yet. /famous... Swaloads
  10. We do need a tat thread, I got 6 tats i'd put up there, or if anything make it a complete body modification thread, as I have 6 tattoos and 11 piercings. Mem, happy b-day tho, and it looks amazing. /famous Swaloads
  11. Swaloads


    Hey, I've been trying to get my rogue, Vandergaurd, into a constant Kara group, do to his lack of decent gear (still pretty geared for Kara tho). If you would enjoy his/my company, please let me know. My current job is actually ending today (stupid internships) and i'll be playing allot more from now one until I can find and secure a new possition at another company. so if you need DPS (melee or caster) i've got my rogue and shammy both available. Thanks and hope to join you soon, Swaloads
  12. k. I've almost finallized my plans to head down there for the party, leaving Wendesday night driving to NC for thursday, then leaving NC friday for Atlanta. Only thing not yet figured out so far is the most important thing, a place to stay. I am allergic to animals, but i just got my meds for that, so a few animals is ok now. may have a female companion with me too tho, if anyone wouldn't have a problem with me and her together, then, please let me know. Thanks allot to everyone, and I can't wait to see you all and to chill. /Famous swaloads
  13. Woody!!!!
  14. Swaloads

    FP Survivor!

    NOooooooooOOOOOOOooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... I will have my revenge... /cast Chain Lightning rank 5 > first 3 kicked off... I will not soon be forgotten. bwaahhh haaahhhaa haaaah Swaloads
  15. Swaloads

    FP Survivor!

    WTF Memphis, where did you get Tea Pot out of anything i've said... lmao... Dang... /run
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