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Everything posted by Kilovolt

  1. I have been saying that for years. She is gross looking.
  2. Kilovolt

    Much <3

    the worst hangover i ever had was on that crap so nasty. In fact i think I was drinking with shimmering...
  3. Kilovolt

    OMG Chipotle!

    chipotle is a great place the only downside is there is so much sodium. Wow this just in, 500 of it is because I added hot salsa wth lol.
  4. Kilovolt

    OMG Chipotle!

    lol that would be sick and they built one just for you
  5. grats guys
  6. wow awesome and grats guys! For archimonde: tremor totems FTW.
  7. My arena team got paired up against a 4-boxing ele shaman team + 1 pally, they crushed us the first time but we got them the next time.
  8. Kilovolt

    Free Rice

    It says my best vocab level is 40 :-\
  9. Kilovolt


    Feanore: And to think I thought I was the only gamer who frequented that site. Yay another audiophile friend
  10. Odd, I don't see any record of that item on wowhead or any other site. They do look familiar though, I think theses were only proposed fist weapons and never got put into the game officially. **EDIT** Nvm I just saw it on mmo champion. They seem a bit oversized IMO.
  11. Kilovolt


    All the headphones I own are sennheiser and the sound quality is outstanding. I own: HD590 HD550 HD280Pro MX300 (earbuds)
  12. Kilovolt


    sennheiser > *
  13. I could solo Illidan by looking at those pics. My shaman would gain a new racial ability called "gift of the mojo" (spell dmg increased by 1 million).
  14. happy bday ex-guildie!
  15. I'll keep you in mind next time, Lyssa. Neg tranius, they're mine!!!! All your loot are belong to Kilo .
  16. OMG HI2U MEMPHIS I'd be down for another gruuls I still want that damn cloak
  17. I'm still in awe over the fact that my college is in the top 20... (Vandy)
  18. Kilovolt


    Great Gruul's pug the other night man. I had a lot of fun regardless of the sloppyness.
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