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Everything posted by Noesis

  1. Monty Python is undoubtedly the best comedy show to have ever existed. It's obviously shown here with the #1 and 3 slots (the arguement sketches are hilarious), although I was a bit miffed that the ministry of silly walks clip was not found (and come on, where's the spam sketch?)
  2. It's been on the WoW main site for a couple of months now, but I still lawl every time I see it.
  3. Now that's what I call focused fire.. and they demolished that last group before kael. although the video mostly just shows the shamans against the bosses, not so much on the trash pulls.
  4. pie is winning, of course. and while it may be cheesecake, clearly it is more like a pie. pie+1
  5. It's not that I didn't like mario, but more that I hated it. I had most of the zelda games, both for the NES, etc. I was a bigger fan of metroid though.
  6. It's too bad this is an april fools joke, that looks like it could actually be good.
  7. If they ever released that bard class i'd quit... "has sound" / "skinning a bear should aggro every bear within 40 yards" lol... now that trailer was hilarious
  8. Noesis

    Coffee vs. Tea

    tea. coffee smells like ass.
  9. ^^^^^ at least regarding the offhand.. i just wouldn't have taken it tbh, i'd never use it (maybe, maybe if i needed to level my fist skill...)
  10. I'd use the mainhand and the rising tide 1h axe from bt. let the rogues have the offhand.
  11. Some people still need to pick up on it, but Mr. T is spreading.. like a disease.. and stuff. On a side note, I hate the instance. It's cool looking and all, but it's pretty brutal for a non-heroic..
  12. I agree. The mainhand is sexxxy, but the offhand is WAY too fast. idk about other enhancement shamans but I prefer slow/slow..
  13. There is this thing called ventrilo.. i hear you can talk on it.
  14. Up by silvermoon city. I don't know exactly how alliance gets there though.
  15. So noted. Who wants to tank Mr. T?
  16. I'll log on for the first five minutes.. then the server will crash for about 6 hours. If it stays stable, i'll go to sunwell isle (wts enhancement totemz?)
  17. Random lolz.. So i was thinking about upgrading my computer. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-robo-ram.jpg Next valentines day send her (or him) a special message.. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-baboon-butt-heart.jpg look at the lower right portion of the picture.. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-previously-24.jpg these ones just flat out made me laugh.. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-white-fluffy-omg-kitten.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-white-gorilla-bachelor1.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-lions-tigers-bears-cats.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-mouse-cookie.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/funny-pictures-seal-penguins-phone-network.jpg http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-recycle-bin-cat.jpg i think thats enough for now..
  18. They just hate us because we're beautiful... (and we like boobs!)
  19. I..actually agree with them. I'm not a fan of big boobs, a handful is perfect imo. Remember, the bigger they are the more they sag when they get older.
  20. Noesis


    That must be one happy ass cat..
  21. Noesis


    what he said. except i went to best buy.
  22. I call shenanigans. Either way.. http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/funny-pictures-cat-scratches-post.jpg
  23. Noesis


    http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/03/halpstuckinbox1.jpg ???????
  24. Noesis


    Gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.. although 800g for that ZA I think is a bit much. especially since only nalorakk was downed. hate to be the guys paying.
  25. Noesis


    Now that ones good.
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