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About Katalilys

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/28/1983

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
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Profile Information

  • Location
    Hamburg, NY
  1. Happy B day Tom!!!
  2. slashfondle
  3. Thanks to Tom, this is in your honor!!!
  4. Me and my girlfriend, Kristen hit up the one by my house all the time........if she wasnt away ATM I so wanted to go see both Star Trek and Transformers again. And our prices our the same up here, 7 per person. But Kristen gets guilted into buying snacks there becuse of the lil movie they show before hands
  5. Katalilys

    Duncan! <3

    Happy Birthday Duncan
  6. Same here, Happy belated
  7. Here is a shot of mine
  8. OMG I LOVE YOU BEL....................Happy birthday man
  9. Happy Birthday Dude!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Katalilys


    I guess it hasn't helped that my GF kicked me off the X-box so she could play it all day
  11. Katalilys


    Wow, gotta love patch days!!!!! You think after 4 yrs they would have this down by now And is anyone else as bored as I am?
  12. Happy Birthday Penny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stang, you are so right!!!!!!
  13. Yeah it really sucks to get screw out of one of the best dps trinkets out there. But like Uth said, i'll never help them out again!!!!!
  14. Happy Birthday!!!
  15. Happy Birthday FP.........may there be many many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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