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About Memphis

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  • Birthday 06/28/1981

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    Night Elf
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  1. OMG! GRATS!!!!!! <3333333333333 /PG-13yiffs
  2. For the effing life of me I couldn't remember her toons name the other day! Thank you Bob! lol <3
  3. Oh Saucebby, you know I love you <3 But I gotta call myself like I see it.. Did I ever tell you about the time I had my first waitressing job? I never ate anything from the place I worked at.. I'd come home and have a bowl of cereal and that's basically what I had for the entire day.. I went shopping for pants 6 months later and ended up having to get then 4 sizes smaller than what I was used to. Point is, I didn't even know I'd lost any weight because I couldn't see it. Turned out to be about 60 lbs. I was also extremely unhealthy, I felt terrible, and I looked even worse. That's also the same time I started taking birthcontrol pills. I had stopped taking them a few times for a couple months here and there and that's about the time I ended up pregnant =P so after Hank was born I went back on them.. then after I messed up my back and figured it would be best to 'get fixed' so I didn't end up paralyzed, the surgeon told me I didn't need to take them anymore. Fast forward 6 months .. I was so depressed I wanted to die. Literally. Could've offed myself like it was no big thing. I'd also gained 40 lbs for no reason.. I wasn't doing anything differently. So I go back and see the guy that operated on me.. he runs some blood tests.. comes back to tell me that 'some numbers were elevated, but they're not in the *range of concern* just yet.. I'm sure in a year or 2 it'll be something to act on'. I talked to my cousin about it, and she flat out told me to go and see her OB-GYN. So, I go to see her doctor.. and of course the other guy didn't bother to send my records over. I repeated the numbers from the blood work that I could remember (which was quite a bit) and just from that, and the list of symptoms she basically confirmed what I already knew. I was the proud owner of a hereditary syndrome. The same one that made my then 30 year old sister have a hysterectomy. My younger sister will never have children. My cousin was on fertility drugs in order to have her 3 boys. Hank was a miracle baby. Every female in my family from my generation has this disorder. Only one of them is 'thin'. Here's a little break down of what happens. 5 to 10% of females in the US have this. I have an actual meal (not a binge) once a day. I'm on a medication that hasn't been approved by the FDA to treat *this*, but it HAS been approved to treat diabetics. It helps.. but I have to do it in cycles or it makes me ill. I'm also supposed to be taking a birthcontrol pill even though I can't have children. I've stopped taking it because of the mass amounts of warnings that have come out from this particular pill, and I'm pretty sure it's what caused my gall bladder to act up enough to need to be removed. Hormones control a whole lot more than just whether females are cranky a week out of the month and how manly any man is. Did I happen to mention my brother has diabetes, a blood disorder, and DVT? My friend Kellie is vegan. She has this same disorder. She is 'overweight'. So we take the high female factor of 10%.. add the male population that probably doesn't recognize the symptoms.. and you've got a decent sized base of fat people that aren't just fat from what they consume. Right now, for me to lose any weight I have to be on hormone balancing medications until I reach a point where my body can balance them on it's own.. but even that hinges on severity. As a side note, kids are mean. Plain and simple. I've gotten past what those little bastards did to me.. doesn't mean I don't think about it when I see a child being teased or treated badly. It just makes me pray that karma kicks in.
  4. All I gotta say is.. I just re-read that and it sounded way angrier than I intended at the time ><" I pretty much meant all of it, but still. I've spent my entire life being treated differently because of the way I look. When I was young, people assumed I was half black because of how dark my father was, and how dark my own skin was. I remember clear as day.. at the end of the year when I was in Kindergarten we had a grade-wide picnic. It didn't dawn on me that people were looking at me strangely because my dad was there until a classmate came right out and asked me if he was black. I was 5!.. I was in a room full of children that at some point had been taught that looking different was not okay. WTF is that? I didn't understand it back then.. and as I got older.. and bigger, that same treatment kept right on coming. I didn't look like everyone else. I didn't dress the way they did. My hair wasn't styled to their satisfaction. To this day I will not wear shorts, t-shirts, or bathing suits in public. Oh sure, they make kids watch videos about bullying in school now.. good f'ing luck with that. To me, seeing an action like that taken on an entire county.. at the heart of it they're telling these people 'It's not okay to be fat no matter what'. It's teaching these kids it's not okay to look different. People do need to be educated on what's good for your body, and what's bad for it. I know that smoking will eventually kill me.. I still do it. That's what addiction is.. it's how I 'self medicate' my stress. A fraction of those obese people do the same thing, but they do it with food. Too much bad food can kill you just as easily as a cigarette can. How many kids out there do you think are self medicating themselves with food because it's the only thing that makes their emotional issues 'feel better'? Can you imagine the outrage if it were 'It's not okay to be black' happened.. oh wait >.> that DID happen. That still does happen in certain places.. same thing goes for being gay.. or being handicapped.. Discrimination is not okay. Period. Pretty sure we can all agree on that part of it. Also, I really hope that restaurant thing works out for you KP! =)
  5. Want to know what I've eaten today? A diet Coke and some pumpkin seeds. By the way, I'm fat. My child is almost 8 years old.. damn near 5 feet tall, and built the same way I am, so, by society's standards, he is also fat. The extent of his fast food consumption is *maybe* once a week if we're out shopping and can't get home OR if it's Friday night and I refuse to cook we'll order a pizza or Chinese food. He refuses to go trick-or-treating on Halloween. His Easter basket has been nearly untouched since it was given to him. He also has ADD, so 90% of the time he's trying to find a way to get away from the table and not touch his dinner at all. He loves fruits and vegetables.. and on the rare occasion he DOES get a happy meal, it's all about the toy. He'll take one bite of his burger and eat 3 fries and say he's done. Is his being fat my fault? Of course it is. I procreated and passed along the same genes that I was blessed with. From what I can tell it goes back at least 4 generations to my great grandparents on my mother's side of the family. All of their female children (all 5 of them) were 5' 11" or taller and sturdy German women. Back in the late 1800's and early 1900's they'd be considered healthy. These days they'd be 'obese'. I've also been blessed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). It not only affects hormonal balance, but insulin/blood sugar regulation and (dundundunnnnn) metabolism. It is literally 5 times more difficult for someone with PCOS to lose 1 pound, than someone that's considered "normal". I'll start paying fines for my fat ass when they make procreating and passing on predispositions a crime, but not until. Like it or not there are some unique snowflakes out there that you can't cram into the 'They're overweight because they eat too much and don't exercise' category. I had a cousin that was about as big around as my pinky finger.. she ate like a sparrow.. and was on the verge of a quadruple bypass because her cholesterol was so out of control. Both of her parents were dead of heartattacks at young ages. Why is it, we ask for family histories of cancer, but when it comes to how big they all are, well, that can be controlled so we throw it out the window as an excuse? After I had my son (because we were poor at the time as well) I was told to go to these 'how to have a healthy child' meetings so I would qualify for health insurance >.>.. Having 7 siblings I obviously needed to be told how to take care of my own child, right? My son was on soy formula, as he had an allergy to regular formula. To have this person weigh and measure him at 6 months of age and tell me my child 'shouldn't be this big based on what he's eating'.. I wanted to club her to death with her clipboard. All you have to do is take one look at me.. my mother.. my grandmother.. MY GREAT grandmother.. and you know why he's a big boy. Because he's predisposed to be. That's not an excuse for him to eat nothing but grease and sugar all day long, and he doesn't. Yes, there are people with food issues. Yes there are parents who do nothing but throw their kids junk food and call it good. But to make an entire community pay for others shortcomings.. Well.. I guess it's the new thing to do. One bad apple spoils the tree after all. Society sickens me with how much emphasis it puts on body image. If you're not thin, you're unhealthy. In this wonderful world we live in there is no such thing as being 'fat' AND 'healthy'.. God forbid that's possible EVER. I mean.. just look at eating disorders. Overeaters get snickered at and told to go on a diet... Anorexia and bulimia.. those are serious! OMG! Just as an aside.. the next time you feel the need to call someone fat as an insult.. think real long and hard about it. It's like telling a quadraped they can't walk. Trust me, they know and probably don't need you flinging something that they deal with every single effing day of their lives thrown in their face like it's something new. Nah, I'm not bitter.. I was never teased as a child.. .. really hope you can feel the sarcasm there cause I'm layin' it on pretty thick. I may or may not be PMSing at the moment. Pardon my wall of text.
  6. oh dear lord bwhahahaahah
  7. Honestly, I don't know if it's ever safe to watch anything Bang or I (or a few others) post at work. Just check them at home to be safe lol
  8. That was pretty great lol You'll like this one
  9. Not only do you have to watch your programs.. but you also have Chipotle DAY.. You would've gotten along so well with my grandma =P I LOVE YOU PAL, DON'T HURT ME.
  10. That was also a fail attempt on Putricide.. we got him the next one but yeahhh.. Everyone that died first was low on everything. We <3 Andrie! She's a bubble throwin' machine! ^.^ also.. I'm not sure why I had healing even up on recount.. it'll come to me eventually.. I have a feeling it's something to do with a holy pally being outhealed by a ret. ><" Edit: LOUIS! <3 .. I have my max windows set to 9.. during raids I start getting these little 'Max window limit reached' spams in a different window ><" ilu!
  11. This is the only one I have that's recent enough to show how it's set up for raids.. and err.. not in cat form yet >.> I think the only thing that's missing is.. my target.. target of target.. focus.. annnnnnnd.. the badkitty window.
  12. Memphis

    Who knew..

    Slam a Red Bull or Rockstar.. it resets the DR on coffee
  13. It's so true!
  14. Going by the title I thought this was going to be about relationship issues ^.~ Tear 'em a new one.. nicely lol.. more flies with honey and all that
  15. I cover all my bases with you kiddo.. Sometimes you do things that make me go WHY BANG.. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!?! ^.~
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