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Everything posted by Douglife

  1. Douglife

    Random Fun

    Ahh see, the IT world is slow. But when you have 1000 people spending their new year's advertising budget like its going out of style, you have me. Lonely, can't play wow, haven't seen my nether-regions in days. Ugh. This is how I feel. http://media1.break.com/dnet/media/2007/11/03nov14-fatass-frog.jpg EDIT: I ran across this, and spilled all of my Dr.Pepper. Quality. http://www.roflcat.com/images/cats/270916532_830d6ef2b6.jpg
  3. Yea anything really! Where in ATL? Cats? I love em.
  4. Hey guys! Whats up! I have been busy, busy, busy. I just joined a local Advertising Agency, on the ground floor. Which means I'm spending alot of time getting the ball rolling. Meaning I have to learn how to live without a profit for a year or so. NEVERTHELESS! I will be back shortly, hopefully this coming week, strong, and active. I do apologize for any inconvience this may have caused. On another note, wtf is up with the FP party? P.S. Bent, if you see this, I'm going to be coming to Islemorada for a business venture, I'd like to meet up for sexy time!
  5. Hm, it says ATL is 6 hours from me. I'd like to come, to meet everyone. I'll probably bring Yamdev with me, he is a big GH fan too. What dates? Hotels local? Punch & Pie?
  6. Douglife


    Its on Kaslor =P I will be on about 3 or 4 after I eat!
  7. http://www.free-av.com/antivirus/allinonen.html I have been using Avira for over a year now, and I cannot live without it. Give her a shot!
  8. Douglife


    I have Guitar Hero 3, and Resistance. I will give you my ID so we can cyberfriend.
  9. Happy Birthday Bob! Remember don't be a fool, wrap your tool.
  10. Happy Turkey day! Fill up!
  11. Douglife


    Good topic! I've been hitting up alot of 80's lately. But if I had to pick a song or band it would be Sherwood - AlleyCat.
  12. Is that legal? Can he shoot point blank at someone even though he jumped ontop of the car?
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