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About Adramelach

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/02/1991

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  • Location
    Bristol, RI
  1. Thyme
  2. Adramelach


    We will forgive if you start playing again, non-negotiable
  3. I work 9 30-5 most days so as long as we start after I'm good, whatever day works best will be fine I'll just plan other things on offnights. Oh yea friday evenings sometimes dont work out. PS can I get a nasty-gram anyways? Sounds hot
  4. Happy 5 years! But really let's face it, it didn't really start until I joined.... I'll play along though
  5. Lmao and that is an epic picture
  6. High Latency beats raid... GET IT LOLLL
  7. Thank you I will check those out tmrw since I'm heading soon. On a side note it looks like myrevenge has exactly what I need wtb what that is
  8. I've actually been trying to construct a suitable UI now that I'm back in the game and I could use a little help finding some. I need a few so I'll just list what I'm looking for and if ppl could suggest some that would be awesome. Looking for: 1) One that will do a more thorough job of filtering buffs than the blizz standard, I would only like to see my procs up on the buff bar 2) One I had in tbc, I cannot for the life of me remember the name. But what it did was put a black bar beneath all my stuff on the bottom of the screen, similar to Saffis but much simpler, just a black rectangle pretty much. It helps make things look cleaner in my opinion and would like to get it again. 3) Lastly is one that will help me with my rotation, that can make some kind of announcement when I get a proc. I was thinking something that can put up an icon or something, because I find sometimes I lose track of whether or not I've had a proc. I tried out one suggested to me called scorchio, but for some reason my missile barrage proc does not register or something (even though I did set it to in the options).
  9. Adramelach


    So yea a few friends and myself are picking up dungeons and dragons. I have never played it before but one friend had a couple of the books so we're doing v3.5. I, of course, am playing a Paladin (named Adramelach McLovin') and we've played out a couple of campaigns to test it out. I was just wondering if people had any tips and such, or sites with premade campaigns and that type of thing. Oh and hello
  10. Haha I actually just donated blood at my school today. Yay free period
  11. Andrie I know your favorite moment... It was in BT, we had just gotten close to killing Souls or Teron I think, and Andrie just types "That makes me want to throw a tortoise" or along those lines. I've never laughed so hard, it was just so random
  12. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h76/silverboi_2006/drunk-guy-funnycopy.jpg
  13. First off, nice use of finagle Second, I was playing around in northrend last friday (10 day trial) and I have a quick question about Pally tanking now. Are slower weapons better now because of the new shield of the righteous talent or w.e (instant cast, close-range avenger's shield). It's based on weapon damage and seems like an important part of the rotation now (just guessing I've been out for a while).
  14. Is 17 legal in Georgia? And thanks guys, first happy bday all day
  15. KFC
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