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About Iamcipher

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    Night Elf
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  1. Iamcipher

    For Fifi

    This is for all the help until I get to farming =p It's warm too! http://www.iffel.de/subway/assets/images/CHOCOLATE_CHIP_COOKIE.jpg FYI, I found probably the best solution I could. www.omegadrivers.net Pure heaven. Performace is so much better that even I can notice it, plus I don't have to deal with my computer crashing on every startup our of SafeMode and none of ATI's evilness. Some proccesses have errors every tme I boot up, and I still need to switch all my settings back, but that was all ATIs / my doing, none of Omega's.
  2. The Power Rangers t is def key.
  3. Iamcipher

    Dooo it!

    It didn't work for me either until just a little while ago. If you check back, it should work. About 75% of people I've spoken to have said it works first try for them. I guess we're all just "special".
  4. Iamcipher

    Dooo it!

    http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...96226&sid=1 Help Paladeus! I 5v5 with the guy, and he is without a doubt a fantastic person. Absolutely great to be around, with a naturally superb disposition. Fyi, I don't often give complements of that order. Go vote for his song and help him out!
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