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Everything posted by Holmgren

  1. I found this, little more understandable. he procc is approx 100 mana every 33rd cast ~= 3 mana / cast Depending on castspeed this will be (assuming you spam that one heal all the time): 1.5 sec cast = 10 mp5 2.0 sec cast = 7.5 mp5 2.5 sec cast = 6 mp5 3.0 sec cast = 5 mp5 Multiply by 5 to show how much your group would gain on it in total. A priest spamming greater heals (with 5/5 divine fury) without interruption would statisticly provide its party with roughly 30 mp5 all together. 30mp5 > +81 healing for sure even if the individual bonus is a downgrade - 81healing for 6 mp5. This is a raid-enchant. But since it's relying on procc aswell as considering the fact that you hardly ever spamm-cast a whole fight it's prolly less than 30 mp5 unless you're lucky with proccs. Depending on fight I'd say about 15-20 mp5 to your party with a 2.5 sec cast heal. Some info about several players in the same party using this enchant: Others proccs will stack with yours but however your procc will stack with itself or not is yet not confirmed. From what I've read the procc is based on amounts of targets healed, thereby making prayer of healing and circle of healing count as five spells assuming everyone in the party is in range of the heal. Chainheal and tranquility has a higher chance of proccing this buff aswell.
  2. Well its a 3% chance to gain 100 mana over 10 seconds. Lets calculate this effect in a chain casting situation. Its equal to a 1% chance to get 300 mana. So say it procs once every 100 times 2 sec cast time: 300 mana per 200 seconds: 7.5 mp5: 37.5 mp5 for group 1.5 sec cast time: 300 mana per 150 seconds: 10 mp5: 50 mp5 for group. Again, this would be best case scenario, as if you proc it twice in a row, it probably does not stack and you probably won't be casting 100% of the time, or cancel casts. Still its quite some mana regen if the whole group can benefit from it. Some information on if and how the buff stacks would be nice. 4 possibilities: 1) while buff is active, it can not proc again 2) while buff is active and it procs, it will only reset the buff duration back to 10 seconds 3) while buff is active and it procs, it will add 10 seconds to the current bufftime remaining 4) the buff stacks Also what if multiple partymembers got this enchant? Possibility 3 and 4 would make it 100% as effective as the calculation, while 1 and 2 would reduce it with possiblity 1 being the worst case scenario. So lets calculate how bad the buff can be in the worst case scenario: 10 second buff, assuming a 2 sec casting time, 4 casts finish while the buff is active (5th would finish after the buff has expired). It procs 3 times every 100 casts, 4 out of 100 casts are wasted while the buff is active. Assume its a 100% chance to regain 3 mana per 10 seconds, 12 times it will be wasted during the 100 casts and 3 procs: 36 mana lost over 100 casts of the 300: 12% effectiveness lost Reducing it to: 2 sec cast time: 6.6 mp5: 33 mp5 for group Did not calculate how much it would affect a 1.5 sec cast time. Still pretty good.
  3. http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/7697/dormatdrexelca8.jpg Doodle of my college dorm room http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/7169/drawingswq3.jpg Doodle on folder for my calc class in High School Both done on those large manila folders. I have tons of scans of doodles lol.
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