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Everything posted by Uthryn

  1. They certainly are. Would hate to see months of work out the window. As long as the patch isn't this tuesday there's still a chance (still need 3d 10man os).
  2. Been at this nearly every day for 2 weeks now. Just not having any luck. There never seems to be enough guildies on, and those that are on are too busy. Been half pugging/ half guild running it. Could really use some assistance from our experienced mages and rogues in the guild. /looks over and shadrende and shiki I'm setting up another raid on monday night at 7pm. invites starting at 6:30. If you can make it out and lend us a hand that'd be great. I know a few of us are getting very close to the plague drake and need your support. Regards, Uthryn.
  3. Just ran 25man OS with a guildie, Katalila. Katalila has been gearing his feral set for the past month. I had him respec resto for our 6min maly achievement. Malygos raid is done and I see someone from Detention spamming LFM 25 OS. I ask what they need, they say anything but a tanks. I get myself and Katalila invited into the raid. No loot rules were defined at the start of the run. Sarth dies and loot rolls commence. The role for the trinket Fury of the Five flights is completed and the raid leader chimes in "MS priority over O" (mainspec over offspec). Katalila was stunned, since he won the roll and he sees the trinket looted to a deathknight in the raid (coincidentally a guildie from detention). Katalila protestes as he's normally feral and the loot rules were not defined before the run but after the rolls were completed. I urge all to boycot these ninja's. Do not join them on raids or runs as they will manipulate the rules to gear up their own guildies. I'm am thoroughly disgusted with their behavior on tonights raid. /spit on detention guild members. Sorry Chris, really sucks you got screwed like this man.
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