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About Eluneschild

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  • Birthday 06/27/1984

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  1. feliz cinco de mayo Sikaa is still a small jew when it comes to the smartt time underlined...
  2. Happy Birthday man, hope ya had a good one.
  3. I picked em up garnok if u wanna send me a tell in game any time i'm on, i can hook u up. The enchant that is.
  4. That a box of CAO's? Looks like you guys had a great time. Cheers
  5. http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/black-dyna...ed-to-sundance/ Damn Honki's
  6. Vixxie you gotta hook me up with your FB info hit me up in game.
  7. Happy birthday rachel!
  8. haha true, stuff costs a pretty penny.
  9. Had a great German Vintage a couple weeks ago, Ice wine is great. Just dont go getting trashed on it = /
  10. haha , nah that would mean i actually get embarrassed about what i say or do... = / thanks for the concern though Also , your pix lemon ... good shit girl, keep em comin.
  11. loved it. very creative indeed.
  12. Damn those truckers...the strech from atl to chat town is horrible as well...litterally have to drive 20-25 over the spd limit sometimes or else somethin like that might happen >< glad to hear you guys are safe.
  13. What would the goin rate be for a month with me sailing around the greek isles on my 120 ft yacht sipping crissi ? Edit: minus the ball gags that is..
  14. haha, dude you'd be surprised how many times i've started talkin to a woman i thought was single in the frozen foods section only to have her BF/husband to come walkin around the corner 30 seconds later.. Lemon you watch oprah?
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