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About Demp

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  1. Demp

    I apologize.

    Whatchu gonna do wit all dat junk? All dat junk inside yo trunk?
  2. Demp

    I apologize.

    For those who pay attention to the Applications forums, I have applied to join FP. I wish to join FP as Friends&Family because a lot of my friends on WoW, also those who I PvP with, are all members of FP, and since I do not have the time to raid anymore (resulting in me leaving Local Defense) FP seemed like an great guild to join. After I made my application, I was told I would be contacted on my Hunter, which I don't play often anymore because of my new recent 70, and I tried to crack a joke about I would probably "be AFKaving on my Druid." Consequently this has raised conflict among people in FP. From being a part of the competitive gaming community I have learned to be anti-dramatic, and all drama does is eat a group of people from the inside-out, and all my "joke" did was cause drama. I did not wish to stir anything up with any members, and going Toe-to-Toe with a member of FP is definitely the wrong thing to do. I would love to be a part of FP, because from PvPing with a lot of FP, I have found FP is a very chilled out group of people and not full of a bunch of people who some aspects of the game TOO seriously. In conclusion, I apologize for any drama I may have caused and any trouble I may have stirred up.
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