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About Sauceboss

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  • Birthday 06/15/1989

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    Your pants?
  1. The Cobra Commandos guys have opened up a new website. www.thesecretlevel.net It's going to be a gaming forum, but it's main deal will be reviews and previews of video games, from games in beta, to already released, or soon to be released games. I have signed up to be an Author, so I hope you guys will troll if nothing else to see your Saucey do his thang. Also I miss you all!
  2. The same kind of side effect could be said for Alcoholism, Smoking, hell even doctor prescribed drugs. Everything has a real risk to it, and that's just something you have to learn to deal with. We're not banning people from smoking cigarettes. We're not banning people from drinking, from taking asprin for headaches, or any kind of drug for any number of problems that undoubtedly have ridiculous side effects. The point is that while the side effect of Trans-fat may be bad, it doesn't make it something that needs to be banned in my opinion. Things that need to be banned are maybe large sizes at fast food places, the lack of real produce being used in fast prepped meals. These kinds of things need to go, trans-fat while bad, is just like salt in the mix, it's bad, but it's not a huge deal in my opinion. I totally see what you are saying at that first part, and with that in mind I can understand, even without that in mind I can understand why they would just go and ban things. Don't get me wrong, while I'm debating this whole thing, I do UNDERSTAND the point being given to me, I just don't entirely agree. I don't like the idea of the government having THAT huge of an impact on my personal life. Telling me what I can and can't eat it's a little too much for me personally. As to your second part, I see where you're coming from, and more importantly I hope the BEST for your aunt, and I hope she can get some medicinal cannabis. With that said, you kind of proved my point, while it improves the quality of life, (and this really does matter so I guess "no real benefit" isn't a proper statement.) Outside of relieving them from the pain while they're smoking it, and while the after effects are controlling them it doesn't do anything to actively fix the problem. It's a painkiller, which isn't bad, don't get me wrong if I had MS I would be smoking the shit out of some medical cannabis on the regular, but when it comes to actually fixing the problem it's not really doing that. Again though I hope your aunt can get it, because no one deserves to go through that kind of pain ever, and I totally see your point so I admit that what I said isn't ENTIRELY true, you have a solid point. I just don't like the fact that one bad seed ruins my entire apple cart, and that will ALWAYS bother me. I enjoy having a choice.
  3. There's absolutely NO real benefit from smoking weed other then the fact that it provides you an outlet from dealing with pain. It kills brain cells, it harms your lungs as all smoke does, it's not good for you, and yet plenty of countries have absolutely no problem with it. In fact if the US could grow and sell the best of it, and could corner the market here, I bet you it'd be legal and be right next to liquor. Trans fat in moderation isn't as bad for you as people make it out to be, it's all about moderation. I don't think the solution for slimming people down is eliminating food, that's taking away peoples choice. If trans fat in food bothers you, don't eat the food it is in, it's that simple. I don't need the government telling me what brand of cookie I can put in my mouth just because one has trans fat and the other doesn't I want my own option, if I don't want trans fat then I'm not gonna have it. But if I want a dang Krispy Kreme donut frickin let me have one.
  4. If you want to get REALLY technical there's A LOT they should ban with the logic of "we weren't meant to eat that" in mind. The point is that ALL things in moderation aren't so bad, it's just the matter of moderation. People say alcohol is bad for example, but a beer a day helps prevent cancer as it was clinically proven hops are ridiculously good for your body. Wine is good for the heart if I remember correctly, and weed is used to help cancer patients among many other deadly illness victims calm and happy. It's just the matter of HOW you handle things. I personally love me a Krispy Kreme donut from time to time, and while I don't eat them like it's going out of style I don't need any food "banned" from me. Also I don't trust anything that health authorities tell me after they had the balls to tell me Milk was good for me, and then tell me that Milk could cause serious problems later in life if I consumed too much of it. Straight up no one knows diddly squat about health, because not everyone's health is the same, what's good for one person could be toxic for another, it's a matter of lifestyle, genetics, and mental will that determines what is healthy and what isn't for you in my honest opinion. If I ate like I probably should, and lived the lifestyle I am right now, I would probably be underweight and unhealthy because I don't gain weight easily, and when I DID eat healthy I lost just under 20 pounds in a month and a half or so. I can't afford to lose that kind of weight at 6'1 and just about 150 pounds or so.
  5. I love you Memphis, you're like my second mom, so any time you're heart, or angry it hits real close to home for me. I get entirely where you're coming from, I'm always annoyed when people come at the way I'm raising my child. Any usage of the word fat, too fat, or too skinny drives me crazy. Both me and Alexis not only have very fast metabolisms but Alexis is a very small girl all around, and I am SUPER thin. I eat like the generic American I won't lie. I am far from healthy, I eat two to three semi-large meals a day, and I snack in between them. I drink soda, I love cookies, and I'll eat the holy JESUS out of some potato chips, and I'm about 5 pounds away from being underweight. My son is very thin, and very long, he's going to be tall and lanky, and I have no doubt people will call me out on bad parenting. Unlike your situation though, I will surely face less torment then you did, and honestly that's not even right. Anyways I digress it comes down to not just parenting, but the lack of knowledge of the so called special snowflakes. ALSO IF YOU CALL YOURSELF FAT AGAIN I WILL FLY OUT THERE AND WHOMP YOUR A-DOUBLE-S YOU ARE MY AMAZING MEMPHIS AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!!! I'LL MESS A FOOL UP!
  6. As a proud parent in California this is straight ridiculous, though I guess it's no worse then some of the health options other states have taken. New York banned a type of fat, that is generally used in Krispy Kreme donuts among many other things. People are ridiculous, bad parenting is sky rocketing to the point where the law is stepping in to make people look like better parents. Or at least try. If my little boy wanted a toy from mcdonalds I would just buy him the toy, not the crazy fattening meal every weekend. It's like a dollar and a half to save your kid from being a fat ass? I could do that sorry guys.
  7. Oh so full of class.
  8. I LOVE YOU DL. It's true I long range knocked her up. Aimed Shot pro.
  9. Healbot UGH L2properlyheal plx
  10. While I agree for the most part with this, at the same time it's only taking in the part of the community that sucks at the game, which admittedly is the greater half of World of Warcraft's player base but. Gear score still has it's place, and it's a valid place it's just that you can't go by it alone, but as for pick ups it's probably the best tool you have for example. If you have a scrub who sucks at the game and is in terrible gear, versus a scrub who sucks at the game but is in excellent gear who would you pick? Obviously the one who has a higher potential is going to be invited. Now lets say you have an excellent player who has shitty gear, vs. an excellent player who has ridiculously nice gear, in that situation who would you pick? Clearly the one who has a higher potential in terms of accomplishing their task. Even in a situation when you have an okay player in excellent gear vs. a good player in poor gear you're going to see the okay player out dps a good player. Gear is nearly as important as skill when it comes to DPSing, but at the end of the day ones skill in wow typically can only be measured by the size of their e-peen. Mine in fact grew so large that I had to quit or break my screen with my sheer awesome and the fact that my epeen was so big he smacked me in the eye on several occasions.
  11. It's just an okay camera, I guess if you're looking to not spend too much then get it, but remember that you'll be getting what you pay for. It's decent at best. If I was going to get a new camera I'd get the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20.
  12. Sauceboss


    Oh table top XD
  13. Sauceboss


    Nice to see some RP love not gonna lie. I love writing so I grew a natural love for RP XD I don't do table top though, or in game just text based. Keep up the good work though.
  14. I'm sorry to break it to paladins, but I think the true red headed step children in Vanilla was Warlocks who were so abused, they sucked at the ONLY roll they had to even play, and most people brought them just for the imp buff. Just sayin. At least paladins could play one of the 3 roles they were made for at the time.
  15. That's what happens when a game gets a bad PC port.
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