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Everything posted by NomadKiller

  1. wats saw a buncha of ya on.. u took one of my best lock buddies in thats good... grats on downing trio. have fun with sartura... its the hardest one to kill. fankriss is easy we got huhuran down to 20% last nite this week she is goin down.. and then visci god knows how long visci will be. but yea thats about it i was just like let me see how yall been. btw thanx for the ignores i had to do the same for you Nomad.
  2. booooo PS 3 is for noobs.... Xbox360 has already stolen the show from it and by the time this comes out XBOX will drop its prices yet even more and just screw Sony sales in the early comings which is where hte big profit is.. btw those prices are sony suggested retailers can sell it for as much as they want.. Nomad.
  3. beats a carrera GT..... thats sick.... welll they didnt even need to race the enzo if it beat the GT.... the GT blows the Enzo awawy.... I WANT ONE .... downside only 100 mile range good for day to day driving i guess not for long drives thou. Nomad.
  4. Ready reply to this and let me know plzz. im activating WoW starting May 7th (finals end then) any chance spot opens up for me in guild me and my lonely little lock heh. ty Nomad.
  5. Sup fellas so next week i should be getting back onto WoW for my comeback before the expansion is released... im still lookin for a guild to start off with... im prolly gonna finish leveling my rogue level 22 rite now i think get it to 60 at some pt. Locks still there soo yea ill see u guys in action next week hopefully. Nomad.
  6. Dude thou i can soooo see that happening in reality if a company gets the idea.... i mean all the WoW palyers be ALLL over it. thats a few million customers woah!!! Nomad.
  7. THAT was hillarious man hahahaha. Nomad.
  8. HAHAHAHAHHA OMG that is HILLLARIOUS!!! wow. Nomad.
  9. that was actually on the news here it was in the locaillity. i saw the accident scene was pretty bad!!!I have had afew accidents(2 totals) but not this bad. Nomad.
  10. honest suggestion i think u need improved immolate and improved imp no matter what the case... i think those 2 are key i would take away the points from intensity... and remove points of improved healthstone if u dont use HS that much. Nomad. 60-lock pure destruction i think like 35 pts in destruction.
  11. HILLLARIOUS!!! to say the least hahaha. Nomad.
  12. NomadKiller

    Guild Wars

    play it once in a while on my friends accnt. we actually how our own mystic guild tehre... i think its ok not as great as WoW and confusing for me to tell u the truth. Nomad.
  13. ur a nub for thinking that ami lol im way past 13 i wish i was 13 i wouldnt have to deal with college stuff. but i guess its all got its own good and bad heh. Nomad.
  14. lol 100 kph isnt even 65 mph Fastest i have gone on I-287 120 in a 65 mph zone i got a ticket once there for doin 90 i was actually goin over 95 but the cop was like ur soo scrwed neways ill just give u a 90.. lol i got that lowered to an 80 Nomad.
  15. yay some good responses finally allrite i will throw up an application just for putting it up. Nomad.
  16. Drool... Act 3 Climb in > Sport mode!!! now thats neat. VTG is kool too. Nomad
  17. NomadKiller


    uhhhhh u should get a new PC. my stats- AMD 64 3700+ OC'd 2.4 to 2.8 using 12x multiplier... it ran stable at 2.8 but im playing it safe and keepin it at 2.6 215x12 it runs approx 36C stable 45-50 under load.... Pentium = the crap when it comes to OCing. i suggest reducing ur clock multiplier and upping FSB> i dont think ur chip has an HTT setting so no worries on that. also a stock coller wont cut it for the overclocking. you will need new CPU cooler. Nomad.
  18. you do not understand... im on an inactive WoW accnt... i was only gonna activate if u guys needed a lock o someting for raids or anything else and soo forth... but doesnt seem to be the case neways im not tryin to force myself into the guild i was just asking if u guys needed one. ill prolly restart WoW in april or May and if i dont find a good guild, ill more than likely move my char to some other server. Nomad.
  19. ehh im not a normal recruit in terms of i dont remember ne of my info just know i got a whole bunch of fellheart and nemesis on my lock thhats about all i remember heh.. but yea if anything comes up hola at me... im always lookin to get back. Nomad.
  20. didnt know locks became soo overpowered hahaha.. Nomad.
  21. 43 views and no replies no help for me..... come on atleast say something.... Nomad.
  22. Hey guys, most of yall know me... hows everything going. I really wanna restart my WoW accnt but i seriously need a decent guild and a lot of my old friends to play with, considering aigle and akira and shoop and all the other folks i know are in here. i wanted to know if there was a chance i would be let to rejoin FP.... I mean its upto u guys right now my accnt is down i dont play cause its down and no guild of course i have my friends accnt which also i dont get on, no guild... you all know my lock 60 pretty decked out now... so if u guys need me let me know and ill restart my accnt. thanx Nomad.
  23. my PC.... no monitor. AMD 64 3700+ = 250.00 (235) Nforce 4 PCI-Ex Mobo + Aspire case w/ Temp + 4.1 Speakers = 175.00 (65+73+27)-20(coupon) Aspire 520W. Power supply + DvD - ROM + 1GBRAM = 172.00 (56+24+86) - 10(coupon) X850 XT 256 MB Video Card – 215.00 (199.99) this was a hard to find deal. Parts = 766 Shipping = 76 – 30$ discounts…. Total = 812.00 after everything. Add 2 hrs to put it all together… so yea 812$ for the monster PC i have is nothing. by the way the X850 XT is prolly one of the best cards untill the new 1800s and soo forth come out. Nomad.
  24. NomadKiller


    lol 1500 isnt too bad... i know some old guildmates accnts sold for close to 500 pounds..... ehh i guess its the gamers paradise. Nomad.
  25. so i saw FP on my bookmarks and i was like let me go say hi to a bunch of my old friends... how yall doing? most ppl here know me. some of the new members prolly wont recognize me. anyways im not on WoW rite now but im gonna get on WoW once Burning Crusade is out... i cant wait to play with u guys again once it hits the rack..... til then forums own. How is WoW going. u guys reach BWL yet or still doing MC... Nomad.
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