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About Beckbristow

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  1. Happy B-Day FP! ps- B B B B BIG NUMBERS
  2. I like how Lyssa has autoattack bound to 1.
  3. Yeah if you have a version of the PS3 older than the new slim one you shouldn't turn it on until Toyota fixes the brakes, leaky gas lines, and faulty wiring.
  4. Apparently spelling every third word incorrectly will help too...
  5. That is soooo much win!
  6. Damn you Chipotle for not being in Huntsville!
  7. Beckbristow


    Memphis are you using Cellular?
  8. *write HBD Senor Furbolg!
  9. Last night some poor Hordey was getting ganked by Razzorstrike so he logged onto his brand new Alli toon to beg for mercy. I guess getting spammed for ganking people will be one of the drawbacks to the system, but still fairly hilarious.
  10. You'll know when I get there from Ryee going from six to midnight.
  11. Happy Birthday Melok!
  12. Kimbo will lose his first TUF match, which won't be until around week 5 of the show so that the rating don't drop too much.
  13. Yeah, my last fight before they retired me I chose to fight Sherk(ranked 3rd) instead of Penn(ranked 2nd) because he is such a nancy. If you could make him throw in the towel I would fight him every time.
  14. One of my favorite things about this game is that I get to beat the shit out of that douchenozzle!
  15. I found the best way to prevent submissions is liberal use of the head kick. Bastards are making my created fighter retire in one more year though.
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