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  • Birthday 05/09/1980

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  • Location
    Sunrise Florida
  1. i am of course in i dotn think my tank gear is good enough tho so i would rather be fury
  2. im so happy to see this

    hey guys

    hey all i wanted to write this to say hi to everyone and explain where i am lol i had some computer trouble where i coudltn download the patch so a friend gave me a computer but it couldnt run WOW lol and now i get an email telling me my game card has run out i miss u all very much and wish i could be playing with u and getting ready for december but i just cant right now hopefully i will see u guys soon love Zangore
  4. y the hell cant i download this
  5. just wondering if any florida FP peeps r going or if you're makin the trip to go to ultra ultramusicfestival.com
  6. been good i like the dancing breakin has always been cool to me but next time dont dance to the theam from charlies angels


    im online on xbox olaf316 is the gamer tag come get shot in the face


    im in love
  9. what rave would that be shean
  10. well stang maybe u should try to be on to go to a raid 1 time and u can take any type of pics u like : )
  11. Just wanted to take some time and say happy 4th of july to everyone have a great day try not to blow any body parts off your body and also to any armed service people ty for everything you're doing
  12. who r u
  13. yeah we have a drive-in down here at the swap shop lol but i always liked it bring drinks bring snacks and roll somthin up and you're str8 always a great time even tho i always thougth it was funny that they always had a guy drive a golf cart with snacks and drinks but this guy woudl sell beer to people in thier car lolololololol
  14. http://nothingtoxic.com/media/1245657110/M...Kid_Breaks_Down and wtf was he doing with he remote around 1:11

    Wii Games

    return it and get an xbox or ps3
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