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About lambofdwarf

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  1. That's an easy choice =] It's between Whitechapel... Or Impending doom.. Best deathmetal bands imo! <3 Look them up and prepare to be amazed!
  2. i'm impressed! You're doing amazing! /miss!!
  3. its really bad i reinstalled wow and once i would open it wow error came up so i went into the files everything was right so i rebooted my computer had to reload everything... took forever then my graphics card went out so i had to go get that fixed which it is now im waiting on my mom to come back cause i found another problem ... so i will be back longer than what i expected.
  4. well we all know where my name comes from =D haha but.. lvl 4 pally with the name Jobforapally... which use to be my favorite death metal band named Jobforacowboy.. lol lvl 18 Lock with the name BlessTheFall which is a band a fairley good one haha
  5. Im gonna be out for X number of days no idea i was trying to DL the lastest patch and theres a problem with the 2nd phase of the patch so looks like him gonna have to REDL the game =/ which isnt a problem dont know where im gonna find the time to sit there and pop each disk in =/ maybe this weekend if i can find the time.But anyways GL!!! with the raiding guys are doing more than awesome!! hope to be back soon =(
  6. lambofdwarf


  7. http://www.myspace.com/tteott ...... i dont know if its on private though.. add if so..
  8. yeah for real sucks for you guys lamb got a good one =D
  9. woah1! Gratz guys!! good to hear SSC is being easily cleared!
  10. does this look any good? made it at like 4 in the morning =D http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z106/jfacabrb1/221.gif
  11. last raid vanin? or you joking
  12. awww man stupid trigori covered me in the picture =(
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