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About Andrie

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/14/1983

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  • Interests
    Travelling, Food and meeting ppl<br />Dream places: Paris, Japan, USA, Korea, New Zealand<br />Food: Seafood and other stuffs that i have not tried (No wildlife pls) :P
  1. Andrie

    Aion forum

    I love AIon too !!!
  2. Hi guys. <3
  3. Happy Birthday Memphis <33333
  4. Happy Birthday to both of you !!!
  5. Happy Birthday guys!!!
  6. Andrie

    Omg Tommy Time!!

    Happy Birthday Tommy!!!!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday Lemon!
  8. Actually I have 2 tortoise at home. One as big as palm size, the other is average. The smaller one tends to bite the bigger tortoise, so we had them separated. I bet some smaller tortoise has been the culprit. Let's go play with Najentus.
  9. Andrie


    Mullytt Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
  10. Andrie


    Happy Belated Birthday!
  11. Andrie


    Happy Birthday Sakx. <3
  12. Happy Birthday!!!
  13. Happy Birthday Honki!!!
  14. Happy Birthday Belgwrath!!!
  15. I would have to agree to Ghosty. Blizz did not create this game to punish casual players or guilds that does not do Naxx 25 or guilds that does not have the manpower to do 25 mans. So, as long the group have full Naxx 10 gear, Ulduar 10 will not be a road block. I remember reading the gear requirement somewhere saying something like this ... forgot the link. Good luck and I hope everyone enjoy Ulduar.
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