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Everything posted by Atrus

  1. Atrus


    Lots of talk that it's also coming for the other two consoles.
  2. Sean Connery http://content9.flixster.com/photo/11/02/37/11023727_ori.jpg
  3. Atrus

    OMG Chipotle!

    I should look into this Chipotle Diet. There's millions of dollars to be made!
  4. Can Ed and Daniel come? :3
  5. We're waiting for Bill and Andy to come over in July(?) and i think we're meeting Shaun in San Diego too.
  6. Still surprised about the lack of ranting about the Patriot Act in this thread EDIT: BOMB JIHAD MOTHERLAND
  7. Last time i went down to Noobsville, i brought Wolf a Chipotle Burrito. I'll bring you and Tim one next time we meet up.
  8. http://www.snorable.org/snorable/images/2008/04/14/page_1.jpg Have a good one Canadia.
  9. Thor and Captain America have been slated to be released by 2012
  10. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/images/070723.jpg wat?
  11. Atrus

    Team Sauce

    Is the TS channel the channel that Bob and I kick each other out of all day? I ask because i was never told that if said channel i was invited to was the famed TS channel.
  12. Atrus

    OMG Chipotle!

    Steak Rice Peppers & Onions Tomato Salsa (Lightly) Medium Sauce Extra Cheese Lettuce Sour Cream (Lightly) Ask them to "Burn" it. They take your finished burrito and place it back onto the tortilla grill until the top and bottom are toasted :3
  13. Atrus

    OMG Chipotle!

    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/cheap_shot/102607_15211.jpg BITCHZ
  14. He did 2s with Kerberus this season and hit ~2100 before he xferred back to Al'Akir. A huge difference is that he ran double feral while i ran Dreamstate/Feral, a comp that hasn't hit 2k outside Korea which made it all that more appealing to me. The mark on my brother's wall that i punched is a testament to my rage.
  15. http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t283/tehcorkie/motivator4476243.jpg :<
  16. Atrus

    Global Warming

    Who would have thought that each year for the last 10 years have been record breakers in terms of "hottest year".
  17. What the crap, i talked to him all day on vent and he didn't mention it >.> http://eggshen.com/eggshen.gif Have a good one Mr. Canadia!
  18. hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahh ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahaha http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v145/cheap_shot/funny%20crap/motivational_poster_irony.jpg
  19. A friend of mine has it. I wasn't impressed :-/ If they released the game like 2-3 years ago then they might have had something good.
  20. Wow, that article was posted a full week after they actually did disband. A couple of players that i know in that guild have moved on over to the Blackrock server where they PVP casually. The guild disbanded, not the core group of players.
  21. I've seen more real things in a trophy wife's chest.
  22. i'd assume that it was the parents that were complaining, not the child.
  23. People seriously need to grow up. There will always be someone calling an obese girl "Fat".
  24. I noticed the news on the front page of the LA Times. Grats to my fantabulous friends!
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