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Everything posted by eevee<3

  1. hehe i am not bad at dodging pictures!! ^_^
  2. I'll hang out with you!!
  3. Okay i am going to ATL!! dec 26th-jan 3rd! i am off from work and ticket is bought!..... Am I going to be called Eevee? or Kristen? well i guess it doesnt matter. i go by both/shrug, but i am excited to meet ya'll and match a RL person to a Character lol ^_^!!!!
  5. LAWL ... i totally failed that song on medium ... cry
  6. ^_^ i can HARDLY wait to see how things are in ATL .... Party animal awaiting to be impressed by GH2/3 skills ^_^ Co-op Career go go or ProFaceoff
  7. When is the Get together happening? because believe it or not i talked my Dad (Ellrondre) into buying a ticket (i have to pay him back) to come bewteen Dec. 27th 07- Jan 5th 08 ..somewhere in there to hang with my FP people who wants to play GH3??? WORD! :tongue: :tongue:
  8. omg!! yay we're the best!!! who's our next target on our kill list? how about that moltres bird in TK ... is that a hard fight?
  9. eevee<3


    LAWL close but no
  10. :biggrin: SO ADORABLE!!! :biggrin: LF WoW love.... so cute!!
  11. eevee<3


    oooo whoa tram ... you kinky dwarf you! ... public places...moving on a tram at "high speed" LAWL those play on words ... i love those puns!
  12. eevee<3


    oo the 3Ds are the three things that would make me get off WoW ... and nothing to do with draenai weenie!
  13. i have noticed in all the pictures/SS of us that i've been in! i am next to a certain hunter
  14. eevee<3


    i dont think he does read them... Well the 3Ds DOESNOT stand for dangling draenai dick LOL !!!! only a few ppl know what it really stands for!
  15. eevee<3


    oo god! my thread >< tutubo is right skip the talk and go straight for it? omg i am not that kinda girl!
  16. eevee<3


    oo god i will not have a Male draenei penis talk
  17. eevee<3


    oo god
  18. eevee<3


    ooo gosh i am raptor jesus' disciple
  19. eevee<3


    forget to say that i dont like smiling in my pictures ^_^ although i have a perfect smile thanks to 4yrs of bracers <---- there a smile
  20. eevee<3


    great .. dinosaurs .... i wish i had little sisters instead of brothers so that dinosaur would be like a fairy or something
  21. eevee<3


    i feeel soooo judged!!!
  22. eevee<3


    go go go dont laugh i took it with my camera phone! http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/4056/getattachmentaspxsr9.jpg me with my hair up >< **i dont like my hair up** ((yes there's a painting of dinosuars in the background)) http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/5657/uyjhasdgjhadcflf3.jpg hair down /sexytime!!!! i dont like posting pictures .... for the following reasons! 1. i dont take good pictures 2. i am shy 3. CRY!!!!!! dont judge me!!! i am a nerdy druid at heart!!!
  23. shadrende you're awsome! kthx **commence thread of shad's coolness**
  24. eevee<3

    umm help?

    ooo can we all go at the same time? more the merrier? muhaha
  25. eevee<3

    umm help?

    like whats a good site to go to to make a World of Warcraft signature i wana druid one i dunno some u of u guys have cool ones i wanna join the club
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