Okay guys. This is something I've been thinking of doing for a while and I hope it really works. I know you're probably tired of buying all of your potions on the AH or from vendors and the like, so what I want to do is make myself the Guild Alchemist. I make EVERY Alchemy recipe except 7 and one of those I cannot get until Christmas . Anyways, now that I got my promotion at my job i now work M-F 7am to 3:30pm est, which frees up my nights and weekends (excet sat nights and sun morn), and from 7pm est to 9pm (or when i finish) in IF probably in Tinker Town do NOTHING but make potions for the guild, NOT TO BE SOLD ON AH, for the guild to use. To make this work I will need help from the guild Herbalists along with myself to gather Herbs for me to do this, otherwise it is going to be a BYOM (Bring Your Own Mats) kind of deal and I'd much rather be a vending machine where ya walk up say 'I Need This' then me spit it out. This is a list of the Herbs that will be in highest demand: Dreamfoil Icecap Mountain Silversage Golden Sansam Plaguebloom Gromsblood Ghost Mushroom Goldthorn Sungrass Blindweed Khagdar's Whisker Stranglekelp Other reagents that will be in high demand will be: Oily Blackmouth Stonescale Eel Elemental Earth Elemental Fire Dream Dust Elemental Water Anyways, I'd like to have the guild's opinions on this idea before this kicks into high gear and i become an Herb vacuum. Please keep in mind that any Herb donations are completely voluntary as i know some have Herbalsim for their char's livelyhood. If this does work out and the guild likes the idea. I will every night that I am on from 7pm to 9pmish (or whenever I'm finished), sit in Tinker Town and make potions for the guild. Thank you! Your local guild Alchie! Miroku