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Everything posted by Miroku

  1. ROFL .. Bentley .. you rock .. now i gotta post a ton more to show off the awesome new sig ... thanks again, man!
  2. FPFTMFW ... next time.... he dies. period.
  3. FPFTMFW .... FOREVER! and Nefarian.... your scaley butt is mine *growls and sharpens a dagger*!!!!!!
  4. ITS OFFICIAL (pardon the caps I'm excited) YAYAYA! I'll be online tonite! WOOOOOOOOOHOOO!
  5. Your name sounds sort of familiar... I usually have pretty good luck dealing with Shamans, (Free Action Potion and poisons ftw). I don't lose to many Shamans...but there have been a few ...but I always get even hehe
  6. I'd love to try and come to this one hopefully it ain't too far away but.. but... isn't it scary outside?
  7. Call me crazy, but I like the look of the epic version of the rogue set. I saved all my SC so maybe I'll have 3 diff sets to choose from to wear (Nightslayer, Bloodfang, and Darkmantle) of course bloodfang is gonna be me main set i think.. I"ll collect them all
  8. Miroku


    Gonna miss ya prime Hopefully I can get online before you go and say goodbye in game.
  9. That rogue stuff is very powerful... I know I was getting frustrated when my Blind would get parried or dodged.... Thankfully that makes us a good bit more powerful in PVP and PVE. They stealth nerfed our S&D a couple patches ago... What it used to do was when you had combo points when your current target was dead, you could use S&D and get the 30% attack speed buff and move on to the next target with a huge damage boost. I used to do it all the time in MC. Then with the patch they made it where you can't use those points on a dead target and you lost the points. Now it actually tells you that you can't do it. As for sapping and blinding a shaman that is very useful. Good to know I can still give them fits hehehehe... As for the Blade Flurry and Remorseless Attacks... I don't use much so not that concerned bout em... lol
  10. The Draeni ARE our new race. Was some magazine articles bout that posted a while back. Its bout the only race that makes sense for us. The dev team is prettying up the horde and uglifying the Alliance. Unconfirmed rumors are that the alliance gets shamans and the horde paladins...
  11. Even tho I can't play right now, that just makes me so happy to be part of this kickass guild! FPFTMFW!!!!!!!!
  12. Sorry WoW withdrawl has turned me a little cranky ... sooon.... soon I can play again...
  13. Just another little tid-bit of info on that mount guys, you can no longer get it. It is only available to those who complete the Scepter of the Sands quest line and ring the gong with their completed Scepter within TEN hours of the first scepter being used. Gunsmoke's is the only one on our server. It is a legendary item. http://www.thottbot.com/?i=52539 There are also other drops inside AQ which will summon a mount similar to that one but they are only usable INSIDE AQ, and if you get any agro the mount flees. The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal, the one that Gunsmoke has, is the only one usable outside of AQ.
  14. no, its a pet, just like others no charges at least as far as i know. I don't know much about its rarity, but when i get back into the game, I'll pay ya for your time to get it. thanks again, gyn-kitty. I hopefully will be back soon
  15. Thanks so much Gyn-kitty
  16. The box that it comes in is not BoP http://www.thottbot.com/?i=53029 is the URL... so you can still mail them that way as long as you don't take it out of its box. If you could do this for me I'd really appreciate it. Please try as hard as you can, I will pay you for your efforts. Thanks again guys.
  17. Guys, for now I'm out of commission for WoW my computer has died, and I don't know for sure when I will be able to get a new one. As many of you know I collect the pets in the game. This Valentine's day they added yet another new pet, but I am not going to have a computer to get online and get it and the event ends tomorrow 2/15/06. Could one of you pleeaase mail me a Truesilver Shafted Arrow. I will mail you 10g or so for it, if you want (or more if they are selling for more). Thanks in advance if you can.
  18. Work is very much FTL. I think out of any boss anywhere in the game.. he's by far the hardest for me to kill .... mainly cause he was a good dragon and getting to scare the crap out of everyone with him in UBRS is priceless. For me that's all hte more reason to make nefarian pay (by giving me the NS chestpiece and chopping off his head hehehe)!!!!!!!! GRATS GUYS! WOOOOOOOT FPFTMFW! Look foward to doin it with you all on tuesday and killin broodlord lashlayer!
  19. Lots of me too many results
  20. Now we can start running ZG all da damn time! ... I can finally get tons of faction to get our mages the Mageblood Potion and the tanks the Major Troll's Blood Potion! .. WOOOOOOOOT FPFTMFW!
  21. I know this sounds really stupid, but i WANT to do this quest line too.... to get the Epic Food recipe.. and I'd like to not be hostile with the bronze dragonflight. Guess I need to start farming my 36,000 Scarab Shells....
  22. Freeze
  23. Miroku

    Congrats Miz

    WooHoO!! Grats!
  24. Ugh, I petered out at the end *sighs* i passed out at my comp. Last thing I remember is the two shinies drop from sulf then my alarm blaring a short time later to get ready for work.. nehoo awesome job guys! Can't wait till I have normal work hours again and a computer that doesn't hate me hehe...nehoo retail at christmas is murder! Grats to all who won loot!
  25. Awww ... I could do Onyxia at 3pm on saturday lol but i didn't sign up because im not home sat evenings ... if ya want another rogue I will be around. but I'm in for MC hardcore I just wont sleep before work tomorrow!
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