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Everything posted by Miroku

  1. Miroku


    Hehe yep I got the [item]Captured Flame[/item] the first day! I still have every pet cept the 3 collectors edition ones, the two engineering ones, and murky hehe!
  2. Same for me Stang
  3. That was a fun fight! WEWT! GO FP!
  4. Happy B-day felz *pounce*. you're a week older than I *pouts* (if yer b-day is in '80)
  5. OMG *cries* no fair no fair.... i wish i lived closer i absolutely love japanese quisine ...
  6. YAY stang sent me a PM! I replied! soo uhm... Stang you got a PM back
  7. Miroku

    Naxx Mobs

    They really seem to love that Core Hound model
  8. hehe that was a blast!
  9. OMG that was awesome... actually caught my eye and i stopped farming.... for the duration of the video
  10. Miroku


    <3 Gore. Couldn't gank ya man
  11. Miroku


    LOL I am not home saturday nights until very late (like bout now) .. Message received and necessary changes made! <3 Stang
  12. OMG OMG OMG I can ACTUALLY get a dragon to fly on ... *bounces off the walls* hahaha so awesome. I'm pre-ordering my WOW: BC today! and *drooools* Start of the Naxx wishlist: Tier 3 Kingsfall Slayer's Crest ! Finally a 2nd GREAT dps melee trinket! haha sooo fun can't wait for 1.11 .. and then BC!
  13. Miroku

    Alliance Race

    Draeni ftw that's what i said ages ago
  14. Miroku

    Mage Tier 3 Set

    hahahahahahaha omg bentley
  15. I will have all 3 pets ASAP!
  16. There's only one thing that you can say here ...... [align=center:3d296a778c] FPFTMFW ....nuff said.
  17. Grats hin orange suits you
  18. Stric.... I hate you. Felz.. you're just as bad! Never gonna let you see my kitties <-- understands and talks to cats <-- Loves to eat Bean sprouts as for the other stuff......yeah that's 'girls only' j/k Stric & Felz <3 (don't hurt the kitties!)
  19. Miroku

    2 questions

    LOL! I ain't seen these questions in eons...they really make you think. Hehe If you wanna know the answers...(Highlight the text to see it): Question A If you said yes, you just killed Beethoven. Question B Candidate A is Franklin D. Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolph Hitler.
  20. I do bloodlord on my runs we did last week.. and we will continue to do so. On days when we get a tue and thur reset we're gonna try jin'do and edge of madness.
  21. We do Bloodlord all the time, and I know we can down Jin'do.. we've just never put out a serious effort. So... it isn't a huge deal I know what this guild can do.
  22. This might also be a good thing as well too, Libram prices are gonna drop like rocks as word of this gets out, because noone is going to buy a 600-800g libram on the AH when they know in a few months they're not gonna be needed.
  23. Oh God, you guys are gonna laugh at mine. I"ll post it when I get home from work
  24. *scared* omg im at work and dying of laughter.....
  25. Gonna miss ya shoop even tho you haven't been on as much lately. Been a long time even waaaaay back when i was a only a baby rogue figuring out HOW to backstab, was nice to call ya leader and send people to talk to you. Even through all the merges, for the most part, things worked out. Don't forever be a stranger, stop back time to time on the forums/in game and say hi. You helped to start all of this, it may not be exactly as you envisioned, but something good did come from your efforts. I doubt many of us will really forget that. Good luck, wherever the winds of fate may take you.
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