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Everything posted by Miroku

  1. HAHAHA omg awesome Wierd Al ftw
  2. Miroku

    Pirate Rap

    heheh was a good laugh
  3. Wierd Al is the man..... the entire CD is pretty good
  4. how is the potion and repair bill supply, gryph?
  5. I have some screenshots of the final few minutes with as many of us that we could get all kneeling infront of him as he signed off for the final time. I'll try and get them posted. Love ya gryph... stay classy
  6. The Hungering Cold was known as Gessril, Dawn of Ruin, which you can find here: Gressil, Dawn of Ruin - WoWWiki This item is also known by the name The Hungering Cold. It is unknown which of these names this item has on the live servers. ... www.wowwiki.com/Gressil,_Dawn_of_Ruin If you click on the 'history' tab at the top of the article, you'll see what i mean. It was much much much much beefier on the PTR
  7. *cries* that poor dragon..... Kel'Thuzad is gonna die . That is why the Frost Resist pieces are so insane. (also stock up on Elemental Waters).
  8. Hehe that's the truth! <3 Vael. I still haven't killed Nef enough for doin that to him
  9. Yes, the 25-man raids are gonna suck. Half the fun of 40-mans is getting together with that many guildies and doing something.. they're an event in and of themselves. but.. *grins* I WILL BE ABLE TO GET A FLYING DRAGON TO RIDE!!!!!!!!!!!! first thing I'm doing is getting to 70 and getting me a Nether Drake... I don't care how rare... I don't care how expensive.... come hell or high water... I WILL BE RIDING A DRAGON!
  10. I .. want....to....know....how!
  11. hehehe
  12. Miroku

    Quitting wow

    good luck in everything you do after WoW!
  13. Can't wait for Tenacious D.... I also wanna see Fearless... Jet Li's last martial arts movie... gonna be amazing i think. Then da turtles... that better not suck.
  14. drool....... its gonna be a while...
  15. FPFTMFW...Twin Emps.. HERE WE COME!
  16. They're the mounts you can use inside AQ40 to get around faster. The bug the orc in your sig is on you can no longer get. [item]Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal[/item] was only available from completing the AQ40 quest chain first on your server or finishing yours within 10 hours of the first scepter being turned in. That one is special because you can use it OUTSIDE AQ.
  17. Oh god, ready, you make one mean margarita! but sooooo good cant wait to see the pics. you get to finally see the infamous Miro on film? uhm.. yeah i'm not chinese
  18. >.> I was able to get the 3 days off from work. Chris im gonna have to beg you or Amanda to give me a ride as i do not have a car
  19. FPFTMFW!!!!
  20. i wonder if the invasion is the only place for Necrotic Runes 65 [item]Consecrated Sharpening Stone[/item]s saved up! I was hoping to have around 100... but looks like I may come up short...
  21. omg ...lol i should delete this entire thread hehe you guys are TERRIBLE!
  22. *growls* My boss is giving me the run-around about me getting the 12-14th of july off (I'm off on weekends). If he doesnt give me those 3 days I'm going to be extremely pissed off. Anyways I'll keep everyone updated. and yes... I'm at work now as i post this
  23. hehehehehee, good one <3 Dag! Grats on the dagger!
  24. LMAO go Hin!
  25. cats are amazing that was from real-TV, the cat was perfectly fine cept for a chipped tooth.
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