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About Miroku

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/26/1980

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  • Location
    St. Petersburg, FL
  1. Geez, well I guess it's better late than never. Happy Birthday guys! It's good to see FP's still goin strong! Though I hope someone's rememberd to feed my pets and my dragons ^^;
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FP! From your crazy Dragon-loving Rogue, here's to many more happy years!!
  3. Grats guys!!!
  4. Another one bites the dust!!! Great work FP!!!
  5. WOOT! FP steamrolling through Hyjal!! Keep it up!
  6. WOW.. that was fast! Keep up the awesome work FP!!!
  7. Amazing work guys!! P.S. Has anyone fed my dragons lately or let em fly around?
  8. Grats Guys!!
  9. Grats guys
  10. Congrats guys!
  11. Congrats guys!! Only a few more bosses left in there!
  12. grats guys!!
  13. Christopher Walken is awesome, and one of my favorites, but come on guys.... you CAN'T forget Bruce Campbell... Hail to the King, baby!
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