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About Noreaster

  • Rank
    Makes clams happy
  • Birthday 03/03/1981

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
  • Class

Profile Information

  • Location
    Bangor, ME
  1. My twins will be superior.
  2. That's what I'm hoping!
  3. Imma be a daddy!
  4. Noreaster


    I'm the most trustworthy? I feel ABC would disagree.
  5. Noreaster

    Jump on it

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cheJUCA8q38 starting at 1:08 but the whole thing is golden
  6. That was Justin and Laura's wedding in Un'goro, right?
  7. /famous
  8. Aside from Michael Jackson, if those are your favorite celebs, you have terrible taste. (impersonal "you") By the way, my toon's name got changed to "Sowhoknows"
  9. Any thoughts on the Fujifilm FinePix S150 or others? Figure there's gotta be a few camera nerds on here!
  10. wth is borderlands
  11. Noreaster


    I'm thinking about getting the PC version. Never played a FPS on PC, though.
  12. So I got a client that wants to get into some sort of game development through online courses. I steered her away from Westwood online college because it looked like a degree factory, and was wondering if there's anything good out there.
  13. R.I.P. Meatloaf 1947-2009
  14. It's halloween!
  15. Trance? .... remember when I liked you?
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