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Everything posted by bigjoan?

  1. http://untitledname.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/04/trashed-car.jpg
  2. MILK
  3. Spare Tire
  4. 119? MY GOD, he is a golden God. I wonder how much Dope he could smoke, either a shitload or a 1 toke Wonder. Discuss.
  5. DAMN MY SECRET IS OUT.... And yes my sig is hawt. Its basically what my avtar is thinking about.
  6. yes I am ressurecting this awesome thread Ferris > Boston Public teachers. http://ca.movieposter.com/posters/archive/main/12/A70-6186
  7. hahah yeah you do give me the phatty fort everytime I see You, last time was In terrokar I believe! OK So I will wait until you repsec again for PI, soooo see you in 10-12 days?
  8. Its the Black Morass, where you defend Medivh while he is opening the dark portal in what is now the badlands. Its soooo fun It is the second instance event in the caverns of time. First is Old Hillsbrad. oh Really??? Wow that sounds nuts I didnt even know that was an instance, Thats sweeeet I'll def have to hook that shit up! Thanks!
  9. What quest is that?? Is that Hygal(sp?) Looks badass nonetheless
  10. Well I am here to help! However that means everytime you run into me I require Fort AND Power Infusion so I can pew pew lazergun people with volley
  11. Corkie, I am also constantly on the lookout for chicken. Let me know if you find some. Bentley, No relation to mini-me, Thats Littlejoan, the most overpowered lvl 35 rogue in existance And stang I will get your post count back up just wait! Also I expect a post from Stricnyne in this thread. Old Apoth FTW
  12. Gah! I wanted a new avatar but I guess Ill have to use my immo one!
  13. Why hello there! I am here to troll your forums since Immo's have been boring of late, Stang assures me these forums are quite active so Ill have something to read! Most of you prob don't know me BUT you will. OH YES. http://echosphere.net/star_trek_insp/insp_expendability.jpg
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