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Everything posted by bigjoan?

  1. bigjoan?


    Sakz is here too? HALLO THAR!
  2. hahahahaha The best was when you could run MAD strath for DKP then spend it in MC on epics, WIN! Apoth was def a lot of fun since it was so casual. I remember healing the MT in apoth while I was ret. Awesome.
  3. hahaha yeah..... I went straight from Apotheosis Troll status to Immo Troll status no time for FP in between! BUT ask Strictnine I was a troll waaaay back when too! But I agree Bentley "novice" is so un-becoming. I need a CHICKEN TITLE. I FEEL NEKKID w/O IT.
  4. hahah I'll post like its work related! OK thats boring, I just won't swear I swear. And nice edit haha least you sign the Edit!
  5. She is so dumb it's awesome. Imagine a DRUNK version of her? Can you say too Easy? BTW I am trolling your shiz Stang since I got a temp ban from SC forums! Apparently saying French Canadian girls are hot and Euro French girls need to shave is racist! WHO KNEW! PS I <3 Men! (I figured I may as well edit his post to make me giggle /stang)
  6. When I was in Apotheosis we were heading off to our Nightly Vael Wipeage and riding down searing gorge what did I find? A lvl 12 who snuck though the gates when one of our disobedient members left early. He was trying to find Stormwind. Now a nice person would have told him to turn around, go to IF and take the tram. I am not a nice person. I msg'd my raid leader and told him I'd be late BUT I had a great surprise on the way. I then followed the lvl 12 as he corpse dragged through the searing gorge. Mobs were literally aggro'ing this dude from across the zone. After about 30 min he made it to BRM to the utter amazement of the raid. After fucking around even more with this dude it was time to raid and time for my newfound buddy to take the magic portal to SW. So we went down to the MC entrance and I told him to jump through the portal to SW. Obviously he didn't believe me so I told Him I'd show him how it worked then hearth back. Sure enough after watching me go through and come back he jumped right in to his death. I told him he must ahve jumped in the wrong direction and thats why it didn't work. "Next time go Waaaaaay more left man, the magix portal is very touchy". I then put him on ignore and started raiding! And LOL @ Shikimaru post we did the exact same thing in Immo, well actually only the Hunters did. We would always play each other for loot when someone wasn't on BUT made the AFK person pay for. Keep the gear on, Destroy the hearth and go for a LOOOOONG jump of the backside of Darnasus, GL getting your body back when teh immo locks just tell you to get lost when you ask for a summom. Sithra was dead at the base of Darn at least once a week during aq40/naxx. And once again here is a since we don't get 's on Immo forums.
  7. bigjoan?

    zelda mooooovie

    hahaha Wow that movie looks so bad. BUT Also looks like a movie that may be AWESOME when your stoned out of your gord. That is if I did that.... yeah....
  8. http://www.supanet.com/media/00/10/02/polar-bear.jpg
  9. OK the Immo and Wow forums are DEAD so guess what FP? YEAH BIGJOAN IS HERE. AS for the topic I was a HUGE noob at the start since I had NEVER played a mmo before Some of the highlight include: _Being told at lvl 15 by Darko that mobs with a grey tag don't get you xp(BTW you welcome whoever I followed around helping you kill mobs) - I also had to get darko's help to learn about looting. I played alot of Final Fantasy's and I just assumed that after I killed a mob, id get the FF loot popup window. After a bunhc of lvl's not getting ONE drop combined with the above problem, the 1st 10-15 lvl's werent too much fun. I almost deleted the game I was so frustrated haha -Fortunately I made ALL my noob Mistakes on my pali mavrick and learned my lesson b4 I rolled BJ. Ok that Bullshit too, I made plenty on BJ too I'm sure. Oh yeah, I had to tell tangx where and WHAT the Bank was at lvl 40. I kid you not.
  10. HOLY COW SOMETHING TO READ!!!! Where did my avatar go? Zomg it was awesome too
  11. Dude That all sounds awesome I think hunters should petition for that. IMP DISENGAGE OH YEAH! And what 5 abilities do we get? If its pve I only need 1 abilty anyways. AUTOSHOT. Oh yeah NERF PRIESTS
  12. Well come lvl with me then! You can be my healbitch! lol I KID. But on a lighter note http://www.flashasylum.com/db/files/Comics/Matt/the-big-bang.png
  13. http://www.kaziahthegoatwoman.com/Images/640x480/surgeon.jpg
  14. Fault
  15. Still thats not bad considering you are a priest, only reason I am 67, is due to the hax hunter questing factor. I was tempted to lvl my pali to 70 instead of Bigjoan but so glad I didn't prob be like 63 now if I had lvl'd a healer. Soo I just ebayed the dirty pali haha. BTW mavrick is not me haha
  16. hahah AMAZING pic, thats goign to be my new background. Also Hunters should def be able to tame a druid as their pet, it makes sense when you think about it. Def a 41 point Beast talent, Druid tamer.
  17. http://www.rothcpa.com/archives/misc/spinach.jpg
  18. hahaha I never though about the lock dots when you are flying around that could REALLY blow since they do so much dmg. Spirit Rez's FTL And MAN nerf styrictnine. Bloody ap mages! I need to make my parachute cloak whenever the day comes I hit 70. Yeah thats right Im still 67 bitches. I R NOOBZ
  19. Televison
  20. http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/Phase2delivery/Wales/PSE1/Keystage3/Sexualhealth/Changesinpubert/Learningobjecti/puberty.jpg
  22. http://www.adiumxtras.com/images/pictures/chuck_norris_random_fact_generator_6_3957_2224_image_2578.jpg
  23. haha that one is tough to Pwn but I got it. Thats riiight http://www.tpub.com/maa/12740_files/image120.jpg This alos leaves it pretty open to be pwned....
  24. haha yeah A dif time indeed! Mav too, I sold that bitch to some random guy. Also when you are bored hope by the old apoth website, its still and people still post on it!
  25. Lol I saw that questline on Immo's sigh and puked a bit in my mouth, thats fucking insano. I think I will do it very slowly and just pvp for my gear cause thats friggin nuts
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