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Everything posted by Arineth

  1. http://www.mcarthurdairy.com/products/gallery/gallon/large/gallon_aplus_milk.jpg Ever put a graham cracker in milk? they dissolve! **nods**
  2. forever
  3. Enzo (bonus points to anyone who remembers that show, lol)
  4. Wow....I think that people are a bit are TOOO jumpy right now... I showed the article to my boss...and he read it and started laughing.. At least I'm not the only one to find it hillarious...
  5. access
  6. cookies
  7. caffiene
  8. Wow, that sig....messed with my mind. More than just a little bit.....but it's okay...I'll survive...somehow...
  9. Arineth


    But he still died, even if it was a glorious death.. A glorious death, or an average life....hmmm.....
  10. Arineth


    Yep, he could fly!!! Which made me really happy.... Until you heard the crash at the end.... then I got all sad.....
  11. Arineth


    It's not the fall that kills you, no, it's just the sudden stop at the bottom...
  12. That was pretty funny Watch this. A buddy of mine found it when he was a bit intoxicated. Don't ask why, cause I have NO clue Wow....watching that, I just repeatedly kept saying "wtf..."....very funny tho
  13. Wow...I'm not too fond of Naruto, but that's kinda funny....
  14. ZOMG, I loved Princess Bride... But you've got to remember, that guy was rather big. And in health class, they always tell you, if you weigh more, it'll take more time for beer to go through your system...but yeah, wow, that's a LOT of beer, even for a person his size...
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