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Everything posted by Arineth

  1. Arineth


    Wow...I always sucked at legos as a child...
  2. Arineth

    Lite Brite FTW!

    Ooooooohhhhhh, shiney things.....
  3. Name: Morgie Shertzer e-mail: chibichibihotaruATyahooDOTcom (spambots are for n00bs) Network: Keene State go go stalker...erm...I mean...facebook!
  4. Why you think the net was born? pr0n, pr0n, pr0n....
  5. meow
  6. Arineth

    Guitar WiiHero

    Hey, I have a PS2 and I'm a girl..@_@ Shouldn't be so surprised... Just saying it's not as common. Mad props to you. JSorry... ust felt the need to point that out...Every time someone says to be, "But you're a GIRL?!?!?!?!" when I say I play games, a little part of me dies inside....
  7. Captain Planet
  8. Arineth

    Guitar WiiHero

    Hey, I have a PS2 and I'm a girl..@_@ Shouldn't be so surprised...
  9. The internet is for.....
  10. nazi
  11. news
  12. Yummy
  13. lay
  14. fish
  15. Arineth


    Oh noes, it's teh Vista monster... Run away, run away.....
  16. Arineth


    I just started laughing so hard I almost fell out my my chair (I'm easily amused...) My boss looked at me, sighed, shook his head, and went into his office... Whichg promptly made me laugh even more
  17. Yay Happy birthday and all that jazz.. **looks all shifty eyed, and then runs away really quickly**
  18. huge
  19. rap
  20. hoodlum
  21. knot
  22. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/69/Professor_X_movie.jpg/180px-Professor_X_movie.jpg
  23. boom!
  24. http://www.askthemeatman.com/images/hamburgertransparent2kb.gif
  25. Wow...my friend already found a site with the whole "1-31-07 never forget" thing on it. It makes me laugh... I still can't beleive it. two weeks, no one sees anything, then a bunch all in the span of about 24 hours or so. They'd be toast if they were real bombs....
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