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Everything posted by Arineth

  1. football
  2. Hehehehehehe, that's hilarious!
  3. money (hey, I got 42 from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy...babelfish made sense!)
  4. ZOMG, SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. 42
  6. Wow, that amused me more than it should have. Hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!
  7. whoosh!
  8. presents
  9. ice
  10. I'm having issues too, but I think it's just 'cause my school's packet shaper went psycho..'cause all my off-campus friends are fine, but none of my on-campus friends can get in.. Good thing I work at the helpdesk and can go yell about it tomorrow at work
  11. FIRE!!!
  12. woods
  13. tick-tock
  14. Wow...just...wow.... And they mentioned the guy had been training for 15 years...>_<
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. barn
  17. Entertaining one's self without WoW? **gasps** Blasphemy!! Um... mind me not, they fed me sugar in work and then in class....
  18. Arineth

    What what?

    Hahahahaha, funny
  19. cluck cluck!
  20. Oh noes, not myspace! Myspace is the work of a foul demon that wants to steal our souls, come, hide! Bwfore it's too late! Meh, don't mind me. I just have a thing against myspace... >.> <.<
  21. buffalo
  22. liquid
  23. Yay, Valentine's Day... Happy Greeting Card Day!
  24. Good stuffs
  25. quest
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