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Everything posted by crowder

  1. very clean. very blue. took me a few tries to remember my password. /wave
  2. crowder

    YO FP!

    lol, i don't speak spanish.
  3. crowder

    YO FP!

    oh sorry, i should make a sig. I'm an officer in LAWL patrol. We were shooting for friday, but I'm not sure we'll have the tanks for it.
  4. crowder

    YO FP!

    I'm bored and trolling forums at work today... have you guys done any karazhan yet? we haven't.
  5. crowder

    Do you gank?!?

    A buddy and I spent about 45 min this morning ganking every horde we could find that wasn't in a group of 3 or more. It was shocking to see how many horde would watch another one die and not do a single thing to help. It was good fun though. I can only run by peacefully for so long. "I couldn't help it, I charged him and execute critted him. He dropped like a $2 whore." I lol'ed at that.
  6. My roommate "broke down" the other day and bought a GC version of this game. We haven't been able to get our hands on a Wii yet. It looks pretty awesome, but I'm not going to play it till I get a Wii. I want the experience that Nintendo intended for me to have. I had a friend in college who told me that he cried every time he played/beat ocarina of time. He was only half kidding I think. Anyone notice how lonely of a game Zelda is. It is kinda sad...sort of like Metroid games.
  7. crowder

    Do you gank?!?

    I sure do... I see horde complaining on SC forums about getting ganked and I wondered if you had any good BC ganking stories? yesterday right as I put the finishing blow on the High Warlord in Zeth'Gor a rogue ganked me. I didn't even get a chance to loot the corpse. When I came back in (stealthing of course), the NPC had respawned and the rogue was killing him. Appearently he had the same quest. I happily returned the favor. I followed the rogue to his next quest and ganked him again. Track Humanoid ftw.
  8. Go Bears! Ribs. I had ribs for lunch. That's why I'm doing this.
  9. crowder

    Hello, FP

    Hey it's good to see some guilds didn't jump the boat to AM. Just wanted to say hello and hopefully troll your forums every now and then. ~Crowder Officer, LAWL patrol
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