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About Ravenheart

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  • Birthday 04/06/1987

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    Basketball, Drums, Metal, WoW.. urr

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  1. NO FIGHTING!!! 

  2. Ravenheart


    /necro Man this thread has almost 2,000 views since this time last year hahah do people still come here!? <3
  3. Ravenheart


    High Distinctions! None of this A, B, C madness.
  4. Ravenheart


    School sucks dude. You getting straight HDs?
  5. Ravenheart


    Liking a post is a cop out from replying to it imo! What are you guys up to these days?
  6. Ravenheart


    There's something strange that happens in my body when I go to the FP site and ctrl+click "View New Posts".... Feels like I warped back to 2007
  7. Ravenheart


    HERRROOOOOOO!! Remember me!? Miss all you guys. I've just started kinda playing again (only on weekends due to time differences). Who's still around? -Rosh
  8. I use it every now and again too, can you give me a donate link of some sort Matt? It's been a while
  9. Ravenheart

    For Renee...

    Which means if you lived anywhere else you would have already been legal for 2 years! Rest of the world FTW
  10. Don't have a lot of time right now so I'll write something a bit later, but in a nutshell: I love this game so much I would slay a happy family of seven just to play for an hour. Hope that helps your decision to buy the game or not.
  11. Seven Christmas's from now Coeus
  12. Yeah so its 7:30pm and I've been drinking for 12 hours, wanna fight about it? You get a cookie for finding out what Australia Day means, GO! PS. Get drunk today please
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