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OH MY GOD TIER 4!!!!!! so hot want to touch the hiney

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You like the rogue set?! Its 2.5 but...shitty...I hope the helm looks cool at least.


They made locks overpowered...now lets make their looks overpowered!

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Why must blizzard make paladins look like fools? We get a unicorn horn and brown shoulders with a glowing purple dots.... maybe our enemies will laugh themself to death.

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It looks AMAZING coeus, AMAZING in burning crusade.


You see a BE pally, Human and Draenei pally wearing it at a quest zone. Amazing. So what if its got a lil pink, the BE mounts are pink plainstriders with more feathers. No kidding.

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Priest and Warriors look very nice.


Not too happy with hunter, seems to big but it was on a tauren.

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warriors look rusty, love the assymetrical shoulder thing a la herods shoulders. priest collars looks sweet. lol@dr00ds. amg locks are like in an aura of darkness is looks so sweet. hunter shoulders are to bulky. rogues look roguey

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amg. i think i'm gonna reroll lock so i can wear tier 4

they need some uni-class armor that makes you look like that o_o

it looks so badass. i want a druid aura. like. leaves. maybe a herd of deer to run around with me. ya. DEER ARE BRUTAL

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john deer?! i think all the set should really prnounced aura's.

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aren't you supposed to be humping something or is noob mating season over?

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Very cool, the warrior set looks bad ass. Link ninja'd for the WoF forums. tongue.gif


Oh, and nice new sig Stang. wink.gif

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