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failure of capitalism!


Capitalism didn't fail. It wasn't allowed to run it's course.


All of this stuff would have corrected itself had we just let them fail, file bankruptcy or buy each other other up. Let capitalism work.


There would have been some some hard economic times, sure, but aren't we still having that? Now my taxes gotta go up to pay for a plan that didn't and won't work, just to give the people that caused the problems in the first place control of almost a trillion dollars. G effing G.

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Capitalism didn't fail. It wasn't allowed to run it's course.


All of this stuff would have corrected itself had we just let them fail, file bankruptcy or buy each other other up. Let capitalism work.


There would have been some some hard economic times, sure, but aren't we still having that? Now my taxes gotta go up to pay for a plan that didn't and won't work, just to give the people that caused the problems in the first place control of almost a trillion dollars. G effing G.

^ This ^




epic pic.... winsauce

^ This ^


...Fail company is fail...

Edited by Feanore

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$1 Trillion / ~150 Million taxpaying Americans = wut?! $35 billion / year just to pay the interest on that added debt.


And after your taxes go up, half of the country will blame Obama, that damn socialist and all his spendy programs.


American politics are funny!


Now we Canuckleheads have our political moments too, but sheesh! At least we don't have a deep-seated societal belief that we need to maintain private arsenals so that we can defend ourselves when the government inevitably comes to round us up for the camps.


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I was implying that the bailout was the failure. In November I voted against every cracker who voted for the first bailout -_-

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